Disclosure :: this post is brought to you by our sponsors at City Putt, located in New Orleans City Park. Date Night at City Putt {in New Orleans City Park} Evenings out without kids have been pretty slim to none lately, so when...
Another day, another post. Another article shared meant to “help” and “make parents aware” of some terrifying thing that happened to someone, somewhere. Shared here, shared there, the weight of every.single.thing I’m supposed to be vigilant about, every waking...
I feel like a failure. There. I said it. Every project I've set out to accomplish ends up coming to a screeching halt sometime before the work is finished. It all started with The Belly Book. It was gifted to me shortly after...
Disclosure :: This post is brought to you by our sponsors at Metairie Small Animal Hospital. Dog Bite Prevention and Other Helpful Tips May 15th-21st is National Dog Bite Prevention Week. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, more than 4.5...
With baby number one, expectant parents are exposed to so much advice. Some recommendations you take and treasure, while other advice you ignore as soon as you hear it. There are factors in that decision equation such as the...
I recently wrote about my press trip to Nashville, thanks to our sponsors at American Heritage Chocolate, and as promised, I'm brining you a recipe using their decadent chocolate!! I have to say, I LOVE chocolate. Love it! It's part...
For a few years after I gave birth to a litter of little boys, people would ask if we were going to try for a girl. What, and give up my position as Queen of the castle? I don't...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Crescent City Physicians, Inc. One in every 10 women has polycystic ovary syndrome, a disorder that is the leading cause of female infertility and also a risk factor for diabetes, cancer, heart disease...
Call vs. Text: Which Do You Prefer? ::Phone rings:: My phone is ringing! Who is calling me? What do they want? I try to get my kids to quiet down, “Kids, please be quiet for just a second.” I become panicked...
It's All First World Problems {Practicing Gratefulness} Recently, my husband Josh went on a medical mission trip with the New Orleans Medical Mission Services (NOMMS). He went to Matagalpa, Nicaragua for a week and volunteered his time as a nurse...
I read a lot of books. Most of them are fiction. A lot of it is Young Adult fiction. Many of the books are memorable. None of them have touched me though like my current read, American Girls: Social...
Dear Me: I know you're sad right now. I can feel the tears dripping down your face and know the weight on your heart. You're out of sorts - no more wondering when it's going to happen. It has happened....
“I’ve been up with Abby for well over an hour. And now Libby crying. I cannot get Abby to go back to sleep, she’s just sitting here crying. Fun times,” I texted. It was 3 a.m. and I was alone...
First off, I need to thank our sponsors American Heritage Chocolate and The Hermitage Museum for this opportunity. It is not everyday this mama gets a chance to travel, much less alone and to a fantastic place!!  American History and...

