Disclosure: This post is sponsored by tasc Performance. tasc Performance :: Give the gift of bamboo this holiday season! Something for Everyone Looking for a long-lasting, personal gift that is sure to please? Look no further than tasc performance. When you give...
It's that time of year! The time when women love to share the worst gift their significant other ever gave them. Clothing or jewelry you'd NEVER wear. A gadget you question if it was really meant for you or...
A Quick and Easy guide to the 12 days of Christmas {Grown-Up Edition} The holiday season can be daunting with so many things to remember from school plays and parties to the plethora of gifts required for teachers, coaches, friends...
I’m almost 40 and I’m dating again. Divorce heralds in much of what was once old making it new again. And I’ve never felt more lost in the myriad of approaches, processes, and social norms than dating. Again. Oh...

A Case for Paternity Leave

Paternity leave is fairly uncommon here in America. In fact, when I told some people that my husband would be taking a paternity leave with our third baby, several had never even heard of the phrase paternity leave. Back...
"We just gave away our last table ... " ....I stared at him blankly. "Excuse me?" My husband and I exchanged glances at each other and then around at the half empty restaurant. I squeezed my children's hands and waited...
I’m not one for uncomfortable conversations.  Correction: I used to be. Politics. Money. Religion. Sex. Anything that could cause an argument, kick up a dust storm of accusations, force lines to be drawn or shock the seemingly calm waters of social...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Jamba Juice.  Jamming to the "BEET" with Jamba Juice Smoothie Packs Do you dislike vegetables? Kids won’t eat veggies? Are you vegetarian? Are you pregnant? Are you cleansing? Are you into fitness? If you...
I have such a fierce, unabashed and unconditional love for my children. A love I assume most mothers have; one you don’t truly understand until you’re a mother. Something shifts inside you, and you care more about this little...
Disclosure :: even though this post is sponsored by Whole Foods Market we never turn down the opportunity to partner with the brands and companies we support as moms daily anyway. Many of us shop routinely at Whole Foods, so we're...
The holidays are my favorite time of year, specifically Christmas. The music, the decorations, the spirit - I can't help but get swallowed up in the fun of it all! And I now love the experience of holidays with...
“Good afternoon Mrs. Archangel, we are wondering if you and your wife would be willing to care for a 4 month old African American male.” On an unpredictable November afternoon is when we received a call that would inevitably...
DIY Lifesize Jenga Crafting is my jam. I love everything about it. And I'd love to take it a step further and venture into woodworking. But I am learning that some things you’re really good at ... and others you’re...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by The Parenting Center. Taking Care of Yourself as a Parent Once school starts, family life becomes more hectic. From the fall breaks to picking costumes for Halloween to fall festivals and trunk-or-treat to deciding...