Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Jamba Juice.
Jamming to the “BEET” with Jamba Juice Smoothie Packs
Do you dislike vegetables? Kids won’t eat veggies? Are you vegetarian? Are you pregnant? Are you cleansing? Are you into fitness? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, than JAMBA JUICE is where you should be jamming.
Wait, I forgot to mention I am a 32 year old woman who DOES NOT eat or even like vegetables. I am that parent who is an impostor in front of my kids. I pretend as though I am eating the vegetables then spit it out the moment they turn their backs.
I like to get a head start on my New Year’s goals and incorporating more vegetables, fruits, and fitness is at the top of my list. With the holidays approaching, I noticed Jamba Juice offering smoothie packs, 15 smoothies where you can just grab and go. What a perfect way to kickstart my attempt at healthier lifestyle. I need something that is simple and quick. Jamba Juice made that happen.
As I entered the store I was a bit apprehensive and intimidated in fear that I would be overwhelmed by the vegetable choices. I am staring at all the appealing artwork of various smoothies and wishing I had a tongue transplant to stomach all different types of vegetables. The associates were so kind and willing to educated my non veggie eating self. The manager asked if I would like to try a specific smoothie and my response was “SURPRISE ME, but I don’t eat any vegetables and only eat apples and bananas.” I am sure she was thinking, “This lady is crazy!”.
The manager swings around the counter with a smile of anticipation, holding this red tinted, well blended smoothie and LOVED it. The manager continued to talk about the smoothie selections; I continue to drink on the Up Beet smoothie. It’s so good, I had to ask what was every ingredient in the smoothie. She began to name Kale, ….., …., and ….beets. The entire time I thought she said “UpBeat”, but nope she meant BEETS!!! I was actually drinking BEETS!!!
At that point my stomach dropped but, all of my organs were dancing and screaming “THANK YOU!” They were used to drinks and food filled with BAD sugar: cold drinks, snack cakes, chips, cookies, ANYTHING PROCESSED! This smoothie was filling my acid infested organs with BEETS! Let’s not forget it was only 240 calories.
Now that I had I was drinking beets, I knew I could not go wrong with any smoothie from Jamba Juices. With the included 15 smoothies in their new smoothie packs, I was able to choose 3 flavors. I chose Apples n’ Green for the green stuff (KALE), Strawberry Whirl because it’s my comfort zone and Cookies and Creme for the protein. Jamba Juice definitely wins for the smoothest smoothie I’ve ever tried. Every single one of those smoothies were YUMMY and not GRITTY at all. An added bonus is you can definitely have FUN and REMIX ingredients from the base of the smoothie (water, milk, almond milk, juice) to boost add ins (chia seeds, greek yogurt, protein).
Smoothie Packs for Holiday Parties and Holiday Goals
My goals for next year are off to an early start but if you are not there yet, just grab some smoothies for your holiday parties, teacher treats, birthday parties, or a late night “momma needs a break drink!” I need everyone in my life to try the newest “BEET” I am jamming to, JAMBA JUICE.
Family, friends, and stranger reviews:
My kids: slurped Apples n’ Green like is was a snowball
“Man, it’s so smooth” – the young best friends chatting on the porch (Strawberry Whirl and Cookies and Cream)
“Wow, I never drink anything green, this is so good and refreshing” -guy pressure washing a house (Apples n’ Green)