Remember when you were younger and your parents would say “All I want for Christmas is kids who get along” or “All I want for Christmas is for help with the chores?”
I. Get. It. Now.
Most of the things that I want at 38 do not cost any money! Isn’t it crazy how things change?
Part of life is growing up. Unfortunately, Peter Pan and Neverland are fictional and we have to grow up. It is crazy to think how drastically we can change year over year, but what about a 30-year difference – 1993 versus 2023? I recently asked other mommas to share their dream list from the 1990’s and what they really want for Christmas in 2023. Keep scrolling for your reading pleasure.
(In case you care, I added an asterisk by the ones I personally asked for!)
1990’s List:
- Home Alone TalkBoy
- Gameboy*
- Barbies*
- Trolls*
- Drum set
- Dream Phone Game*
- Mall Madness Game*
- American Girl Dolls
- Beeper
- Easy Bake Oven
- Stereo/Boom Box
- CD Player
- Barbie skates
- Sega Genesis
- Furby
- Skip It
- Columbia House Subscription
- Starter jacket
- Caboodle*
- Anything Sanrio
- Rollerblades*
- Anything Lisa Frank*
- Skull boots from Bongo
- Every color of Wigwams*
- Sunflower perfume
(I am sure in this photo, all I wanted for Christmas was my 2 front teeth)
2023 – Mom List
- New Kitchen Table
- Night off in a Hotel Room*
- New Tires and an Oil Change*
- Botox*
- Steamer
- Label Maker
- Landscaping services*
- A nap*
- Kitchen remodel*
- Massage*
- New bed
- New floors
- Deep freezer
- Air fryer
- Toilet Paper and Paper Towels*****
- Egyptian Cotton Bedsheets
- Use the bathroom in peace*********
- Baccarat Rouge 540 Perfume*