
Working Moms

Working mom in New Orleans at a computer with child hugging her

Empowering Resources for Working Moms in New Orleans

At New Orleans Mom, we understand the unique challenges working mothers face. That’s why we provide resources and support to empower and celebrate working moms. We understand the guilt that can come with balancing work and family life.

On March 12, National Working Moms Day celebrates the balancing act of motherhood. “Every mom is a working mom. We celebrate the educators and the role models, those resilient, inspirational fixtures in our children’s lives.” #WorkingMomsDay

Whether it’s dealing with how to disclose your pregnancy while job hunting or you’re starting your own business or dropping the mom guilt of balancing it all, New Orleans Mom has you covered.

Balancing It All

Being a mom can be a challenge, and the team at New Orleans Mom understands the struggle of balancing it all. We provide advice and resources to help you manage your work-life balance and keep your sanity intact. Whether it’s making that best friend at work or finding a job in today’s times. We also offer tips and tricks to help you drop the guilt that comes with managing a career and a family.

New Orleans Mom is the perfect resource for moms in New Orleans. Our blog posts provide support and advice for navigating the world of parenting alongside a career. Our blog posts are created by moms who have experienced the same struggles and have the same goals, providing a unique and supportive environment for parenting and working.

At New Orleans Mom, our blog posts help you navigate the busy life of parenting. Our posts cover a wide range of topics, such as parenting tips, time management tips, and career advice. We provide tips and support to make sure that you get the support you need to be a successful working mom in New Orleans.


To my dear, sweet baby, I have so very much I want to say to you in this moment. This crazy, unprecedented, historical moment that feels more like something out of a dystopian novel than real life. Since most of Mommy...
I've been working from home since November 2013, so I like to think I know a little bit about it. I know a lot of people work from home, it's not that unique, but I work for a fairly...
Disclosure: I am not in any way a medical professional. Please seek advice from a qualified medical professional if you have questions regarding COVID-19. Additionally, this is not an opening for a vaccine debate, please use your internet voice...
Thanksgiving Feast Day A few months ago it was Thanksgiving Feast day at my four-year-old's school. This day was a culmination of many weeks of learning about autumn. We were to create corn husk dolls, make butter and eat a...
Balance I've always had a very small chest (AA) and a large booty. For most of my adolescent and college life I wanted breast implants to balance out my body, to make my clothes fit better and for general aesthetic...
Journals and planners and schedules, oh my! Wait, what do I do with those? As I enter my first year as a mom, I now understand the true importance of time management, creating a schedule and overall having to plan...
Choosing to work with your spouse is a big decision, I mean, obviously. My husband John and I have been working together for the past five years. I often get the question (like really frequently to be honest)… “What’s...
Anything you can do I can do better... I’ve often wondered how better to multi-task … an extra set of hands? A robot version of myself? Or even better, a clone? Then I could prepare dinner while picking up my...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by LCMC Health Urgent Care. Free Flu Shots :: Don't Let The Flu Take You Down When a Cold Isn't a Cold In late September I came down with what I thought was a cold. As a...
A small business is born Back in 2011, as a SAHM to my darling 8 month old Madelynn Fionnah, I found myself a bit bored. Yes, I loved being able to have uninterrupted time with my growing infant, and she...
Mommy Duty ... We are a family of 4, my husband, myself, a kindergartener and a first-grader. We have no extended family in town and a full-time job for the husband and a “flexible” work from home job for me....
We have all been there, we have the cute baby bump, we’re glowing yet emotional but when it comes to getting dressed, NOTHING FITS!! Do I have to get dressed? During my third trimester, it was mid-summer last year and it...
I won't multitask at my kid's extracurriculars. As tempting as it is to mindlessly scroll through social media. Or bring a book. Or that stack of papers I have to grade. I will do my best to remain focused...
Dear Nursery Teacher, The other day I asked my two-year-old, “Who loves you?” to which she responded, “Mommy!” and then “Daddy!” I then asked her, “Who else?” expecting to hear her say any of her cousins or grandparents. Instead, she shouted...

