Kids Love Stories From birth and beyond, fiction is presented to us and typically, this is where we fall in love with reading. Once Upon a Time ... are the words we look for when we know something wonderful is...
We often hear the phrases "live in the now," "be grateful for what you have, " and my kids' favorite "Y.O.L.O - you only live once." I say these words to myself and my family often but am I...
You are so close and yet so far. We live in the same city, just a couple of miles away, and you lost everything while I still have a roof over my head. My heart aches for you who lost...
Dear Vianca, Guess who??? That’s right it’s me, your brain. I know you’ve got a lot going on, running your household, homeschooling, and being a small business owner, but please accept this letter as my formal resignation. I’m done. I’ve had enough. I’m...
Life in general is full of ups and downs. Some are bumps that challenge your day, some are peaks you work hard to reach and celebrate fully. Every so often we hit a deep valley that paralyzes you leaves...
Full disclosure: I’m 37 years old and am in pretty decent shape. I enjoy dancing and often have impromptu solo dance parties in my bedroom. I think that’s why Jazzercise is such a great fit for me. I have...
Media Overload Every election season I get truly overwhelmed at the seemingly constant barrage of political arguments from both social media and mainstream media. Being the fight or flight person that leans very much to flight, around September, I usually...
I wish I could do more for my family. I wish I was a better mom. I wish I were a better friend. I wish I did more as a wife. I wish I had more patience with my...

My Tummy Tuck at 43

The fact that I had a tummy tuck came as a big surprise to many, most of all myself! After having two C-sections, I felt pretty confident that I could get my early 30s physique back. I work out...
Reminders for When Mom Needs to be Mothered During an especially busy season of parenting, compounded with some stressful situations at work, I found myself feeling depleted, discouraged, and exhausted. As I was driving home from the grocery store one...
Have you ever had one of those deja vu moments? I had one a couple of months ago. There I was, nonchalantly avoiding a task and perusing my Facebook feed. I mean, we've all done it a time or two,...
I will admit that I feed my girls drive-thru easily once a week. Dry cereal in a Mardi Gras cup for breakfast? Check. We are go-go-go. That is likely no surprise for any busy mom. I'm living out the...
It is time to go back to work from your maternity leave. Does it make you feel anxious? There are a few questions that you need to address. Especially since a lot has happened while you’ve been gone …...
As we hope all of our readers know, feedback from local New Orleans moms is VERY important to us. We work tirelessly to bring the moms of New Orleans resources, events, guides, giveaways and information that will make your...