
Things To Do

Things To Do In New Orleans - Family Friendly, Kid Friendly

Whether you are a NOLA-native or a busy mom planning a family trip, you know how difficult it can be to find things to do that keep everyone happy and entertained.

Luckily, New Orleans is a city with attractions that cater to both kids and the entire family. Not only can you explore the culture of jazz and history, but there are plenty of activities that are perfect for families – even FREE things-to-do. Check-out some of the best kid-friendly and family-friendly activities to do in New Orleans.

The Big Easy is a destination that has a lot to offer for the whole family. From water parks and splash pads to museums and parks, families can have a blast exploring the city’s diverse attractions. And because New Orleans is a city of unique architecture, history and music, it’s a place where kids can learn, be entertained and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Oh and how could we forget the incredible Summer Camp options right here in our own backyard!

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Disclosure: Winn-Dixie sponsored this post, but we encourage all New Orleans moms to consider attending this FREE event in mid-city on Saturday, May 10! RSVP soon to guarantee your spot as a VIP, receive a swag bag with Kuddles products...
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Disclosure :: As always, our events are made possible by wonderful sponsors. Thank you to the Hard Rock Cafe New Orleans for sponsoring and hosting this fun event.  New(ish) to NOLA Dinner Moving to New Orleans was scary, to say the...
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