
Alyson Haggerty

Alyson Haggerty
Alyson lives in Metairie with her husband, Patrick, their two boys, and their Morkie, Beignet. After teaching for almost ten years, she left a career in education, earned her BSN, and now works as a pediatric emergency nurse. In her free time, Alyson enjoys flipping furniture, writing, dancing, and painting. She is always looking for a racquetball partner and loves streetcar rides and playing board games with her family. A good cook, she is constantly on a quest to answer the age-old question, “What’s for dinner?” but has thus far been unsuccessful.

I Gave My Husband a Yes Weekend

You may have heard of giving your child a "Yes Day," but have you ever thought about giving your spouse one? My husband and I recently went out of town for a long weekend,...

Teachers, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

For most of my life, I aspired to be a teacher or a nurse. I never went through a phase where I wanted to be an astronaut or President or anything else. I teetered...

In Defense of My Designer Bag Splurge

I don't know about you, but when I became a mom, my taste changed. Well, maybe my taste didn't really change; maybe the change was more related to my priorities. I'm sure 100% of...

Dinner Saint: NOLA Comfort Food Delivered to Your Door

Disclosure :: This post was sponsored by Dinner Saint, and I was fortunate to receive meals as part of our relationship; therefore, I can attest personally as to how efficient and delicious this meal...

Best Summer Ever: Send the Kids to Sleepaway Camp

I recently had the opportunity to work as a nurse at a sleepaway summer camp 7 hours away from New Orleans. I'd never been to sleepaway camp as a child and could not imagine...

Just Say No to All the Activities

Now, much more so than when I was growing up, I feel like there is so much pressure for kids to do all the things. To some extent, I understand. After all, we introduced...

On My Love of the Lovey

Disclaimer: The American Academy of Pediatrics' safe sleep practices are always good to review. As always, every parent has to decide what they're comfortable with regarding the care of their sleeping child. Nine years...

My Kids Helped Pay for Vacation

Two years ago, my husband and I were both putting ourselves through nursing school. As full-time students, we didn't have a steady source of income. Realizing that our family of four deserved a break...
Disney world

Unpopular Opinion: We Aren’t an Annual Disney Family

With summer fast approaching, I have a lot of friends who are planning their annual Disney World vacation. I love Disney World and am excited for my friends, but I won't do the annual...
marriage is an equal partnership

We’re a Partnership, Not a 90s Sitcom

I've been streaming a few 90s sitcoms lately. I love the nostalgia that comes with watching Everybody Loves Raymond and Home Improvement! The shows are exactly as I remember them growing up. However, I...

Dear Hot Mess Starbucks Regular: I’m Looking Out For You

I know you. I know you were running late today. I know this because I was running late today. You work at the hospital, too. We must have the same shifts. Your typically well-groomed child...

Ten Tips and Tricks for Using a Menstrual Cup for the First Time

I've been using a menstrual cup for a little over a year now. While I wasn't initially enthusiastic about the idea, I knew I needed to give it a shot. My moderate to heavy...

Learn CPR: My Family’s Story and the Difference between Life and Death

Almost two years ago, my eighty-seven-year-old grandpa left the park after feeling ill. Unable to continue his drive home, he pulled over to take a rest and became unconscious. At just the right moment,...

Don’t Leave the Knife in the King Cake Bag…Or I’ll Cut You

Tomorrow is Kings' Day, which means, in the immortal words of Al Johnson, it’s Carnival time! Even this year, without parades, there is still something to celebrate. Because you can’t cancel king cake! What...