
Alyson Haggerty

Alyson Haggerty
Alyson lives in Metairie with her husband, Patrick, their two boys, and their Morkie, Beignet. After teaching for almost ten years, she left a career in education, earned her BSN, and now works as a pediatric emergency nurse. In her free time, Alyson enjoys flipping furniture, writing, dancing, and painting. She is always looking for a racquetball partner and loves streetcar rides and playing board games with her family. A good cook, she is constantly on a quest to answer the age-old question, “What’s for dinner?” but has thus far been unsuccessful.

I Didn’t Speak Up {And the Emergency C-Section that Resulted}

A gut feeling. That little voice you can't ignore. A mother's intuition. Whatever you call it, you know what I mean. This is the story of my first child's birth, and I hope that...

I Prayed for This

I used to pray for the things I have now. Maybe you've heard some variation of that before. Lately, it rings true for me. It is so easy to recognize the struggle and focus...

Hands-off Homework :: 5 Strategies to Try With Your Child

We don't do homework with our son. We don't even talk about it. We like that our second grader holds himself accountable, and he seems to appreciate the autonomy and trust (the homework helicopter...

Making Friends: The New Year’s Resolution I Actually Kept

This year's New Year's resolution went beyond my usual short-lived promises to stop biting my nails or eat better. I vowed to make new friends. You wouldn't think this would need to be a...

My Kids Skip School

We are a school-loving family. We value education and raise our children to be committed to lifelong learning. As a former high school teacher, I know firsthand that school attendance is a major predictor...

Geauxing Too Far: Stop Sharing the UT Kid

This past Saturday, LSU and UT faced off in what was arguably one of the top five non-conference games of the season. During a break to review a catch and possible fumble with 3:43...

My Son’s Not Having a Birthday Party This Year

In one week, Tripp turns 7. We don’t have a birthday party planned. When I first realized that a party was impractical, I felt so guilty I cried. But then, the more my husband...