What a New Orleans Mom’s “To Do” List Looks Like at Mardi Gras

If you have recently moved to New Orleans, Mardi Gras with kids can be extremely overwhelming at first. If you need tips on how to enjoy Mardi Gras with kids, you have come to the best place for parenting in New Orleans. A full list of Mardi Gras events, parades and camps can be found here, and of course we have the things every mom needs in her trunk at Mardi Gras, as well as a list of unique king cakes that every New Orleanian should try once. Happy Mardi Gras, y’all!

What a New Orleans Mom’s “To Do” List Looks Like at Mardi Gras

It’s Mardi Gras time, y’all, and guess what? That means a list a mile long of things to do to get ready! This is the best “to do” list you’ll tackle all year, though!

  1. Comb out your wigs (or purchase a new wig if yours are mangled!)
  2. Rehydrate your glitter (aloe vera or distilled water work best!)
  3. Paint the ladder / re-attach cup holders (why do those snap every year?!)
  4. Costco run … for all the juice boxes!
  5. Purchase or find your portable charger
  6. Purchase rum chata (this is best served COLD as a shot – trust us!)
  7. Make jello shots
  8. Pack the baby carrier if you baby wear – gotta keep two hands free!
  9. Obsessively check the weather 5 times per day starting … NOW!
  10. Purchase ponchos because Murphy’s Law
  11. Buy a new fanny pack because Mardi Gras purchases don’t count
  12. Meal plan – Popeye’s, jambalaya, repeat!
  13. Pump up your bike tires (if you’re able to ride to the route!)
  14. Finish those craft projects – hot glue needs a minute or two to dry!
  15. Turn on your out of office
  16. Secure poster board to make signs for everyone you know riding
  17. Put everyone you know riding into Excel (or the Notes app of your phone)
  18. Hire a baby-sitter if you’d rather leave the toddler at home
  19. Stock up on Liquid IV
  20. Load up the wagon, and make sure you have a place on Mardi Gras Day!


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