Travel Baseball Year 5 … Can We Keep Going Forever?!

Travel Baseball Year 5 … Can We Keep Going Forever?!

It’s hard to believe in seven short months we’ll be watching our boys play their 12U World Series in Cooperstown. How did we get here so fast?! I remember when Nathan started t-ball. He was only five. I remember deciding if travel ball was something I wanted to commit to. I remember thinking I was crazy for saying yes. It’s been one of the best journeys for the both of us. Not always an easy journey but always a love for the game.

The first blog I wrote three years ago was about my love for travel baseball. I wrote a blog about our breakup story too. Travel baseball has been a pretty huge part of our life these last five years.

It’s strange to think this might be it…

The baseball mamas are NOT thinking about it! When we think about it, we cry. And then we cry even more because we remember our boys are about to turn thirteen too. And then I cry even more because I remember my son has one more year at his elementary school. And then I think about how this time next year, we will know where he’s going to high school. It’s too overwhelming, so I don’t think about it too much.

(I think about it all the time) …

But this is life, right?! I love this travel baseball life. We love this travel baseball life. I don’t think my kiddo realizes this could be it. So rather than focus my energy on thinking about it maybe coming to an end, I’m going to live in every moment over these next several months and stitch up every memory I can. We started practice in February. We played our first spring tournament last weekend. We have tournaments scheduled until we leave for New York. Baseball is our life right now. And these are the top reasons why WE STILL LOVE IT!!! I asked my kiddo to help me with this list!

  1. Baseball = Joy
  2. Friends that become your family. Your baseball family goes deeper than the team you’re on.
  3. Being outside, the hot sun, enjoying the occasional breeze, working on my white girl tan. I still have to take Vitamin D supplements though.
  4. World Series trips – Gulf Shores, Pigeon Forge, Orlando and next up, Cooperstown!
  5. Challenging competition.
  6. The bats (the obvious one NOT added to this list by me) – I want to burn the f***ing bats.
  7. I do like the drip though and how excited these boys get over swag!
  8. Sunflower seeds – sour cream & onion is favored over ranch now.
  9. Once the scorekeeping moved to GameChanger, I was out. But I took up Ballpark DJ. Music at tournaments should ALWAYS be allowed.
  10. I will forever be a sucker for a dude in baseball pants, especially knickers. Colonial mamas had it made!
FREAKING bats will be the death of me!!!


  1. It seems like everyone who participates in travel baseball has to consider at one point or another, “Is this all really worth it?”

    One of the moms on one of my son’s travel teams told my wife and me that she calculated the cost of travel baseball to be about $10,000, including the team fee, hotels, travel, gate fees, food, etc.


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