I grew up in family where both parents worked. My dad had a flexible schedule that allowed him to drive my sister and me to ballet and coach our cabbage ball teams; however, my mom was a CPA whose...
Disclosure: this is a sponsored post from The Cognitive Behavioral Center of New Orleans. We have received a lot of requests for more content geared at issues pertaining to school choice and readiness, and the content contained here should help...

The Facebook Fast

How many times have you approached the end of the day and realized that you have no idea where your time went? As bed time approaches, I relish those last few minutes with my little boy after his bath...
This month, I am going to rave and gush about why I love CVS. Before I started couponing, I Would. Have. NEVER! gone into a drug store to purchase ANYTHING other than prescriptions! What crazy high prices they have!! Oh, how...
Disclosure: the New Orleans Moms Blog team received complimentary service treatments and compensation for visiting Waxing the City and sharing our experience with you. That said, we also invited several of our fellow social media friends to join the...
Who doesn't love a good restaurant bucket list? Especially when it comes to New Orleans restaurants. Here's Our 2016 New Orleans Restaurant Bucket List! My Restaurant Bucket List in New Orleans As those who know me can attest, I live to eat!...
With the New Year in full swing, many people are resolving to save money, "go green" or live a healthier lifestyle. One item, which is probably in your home right now, can help with all three of these goals. Vinegar is extremely...
Come experience the fun of a birthday party at the Palm Tree Playground!  March 7th, 2014 From 9:00-11:00am Don't forget a pair of socks! Included in your ticket price (each child one or older needs a ticket) is free playtime, pizza and salads...
Having a child in school means that you will be invited to and attend a decent amount of birthday parties. And, at some point, you will probably host one for your own child. I know during the planning of...
“I can do it mommy!” These are the words as parents we love to hear, yet dread at the same time. As a mother of three, I am very familiar with the desire to want to protect my children from...
In November, my life changed in a big way. I left my previous job of nine years and joined a new company. A company without headquarters, where everyone works from home (or Starbucks, or the beach, or wherever they...
Disclosure: We're always on the hunt for affordable and family friendly dining in the New Orleans area. While Atomic Burger treated our team to free meals, we were really excited to check it out and share our thoughts with you.  Last...
Premature birth is THE number 1 killer of newborns, and half a million babies are born too soon in the United States each year. The March of Dimes mission is to ensure more babies are born are healthy by...
Since Annelise was about two months old, she has slept through the night. Give or take a bad night here or there, when we are at home and she is in her routine, she sleeps. I am very blessed...