Let's just say this ain't my first rodeo at the whole pregnancy thing, but it appears I'm riding a different animal this go-round. And I'm getting one heck of a ride! Moms: is this just me? I'm curious to know...
I remember my life before Adrian - huddled in corners of small hospital rooms, scribbling notes down on a coffee-stained scrap of paper I found in the garbage. Ask, listen, palpate, percuss. Repeat. The attending physician would glide into...
When my husband and I were married, we were just like any other couple starting our lives together. We had just renovated a home, were working hard in our careers, and focusing on our future. When we decided to...
Breastfeeding vs. Formula. Sleep Training. Cloth vs. Disposable. Montessori vs. Traditional Preschool. Stay at Home Moms vs. Working Moms. Extended Rear Facing ... the list can go on and on. What do all of these things have in common? They are...
Most of the months of the year have a designated “awareness” attached to it, and October is no different. What is awareness? According to Dictionary.com, it is the state of being aware, knowledge or consciousness. This month, my husband and...
Disclosure:: This is a sponsored post by First Look New Orleans. However, this is my third pregnancy and third attempt at 4-D Ultrasound. This was the first time the technician was able to coerce my baby out of my...
When my son started solids, I decided that I would try to make his food for him. Not because of any personal diet restrictions (I cannot afford to buy all organic food, nor do I feel the need to), but...
Disclosure :: As parents, some of us are sure of ourselves and others ... not so much. Generally, though, parents have plentiful opportunities to take classes. But what about grandparents? Things have changed in the past several decades, and...
Disclosure :: As parents some of us are sure of ourselves and others ... not so much. Generally, though, parents have plentiful opportunities to take classes. But what about grandparents? Things have changed in the past several decades, and we...
When I was asked to write about my experience with breastfeeding for National Breastfeeding Month, I only assumed that the reason I was being asked was because it was presumed that I had a wonderful experience. I seem to...
Wait, you're actually nursing them? I'm lucky enough to have had success with a singleton who exclusively breastfed for a year. So when I found out I was having twins, I naturally assumed I could at least try to do...
New to New Orleans and a first time mother, I craved community. As a breastfeeding mother, I had questions and needed reassurance. This led me to my first La Leche League meeting in January of 2010. What I most...
My first experience with breastfeeding and pumping wasn't that great. After many long weeks of bed rest, I was overjoyed to deliver a healthy 6 pound baby boy. While I hadn't decided if I was going to breastfeed or...
For any woman who plans to birth their baby without medication, my best advice is to prepare yourself both mentally and physically and surround yourself with an amazing support team. At the guidance of a friend who had had...

