Dear Me, I see you at the end of baby boy's first year in a great place with nursing. You surmounted all the early obstacles, you're way past that feeling of only being a boob, and it's a bonding experience...
You'll hear me say a lot, "one of the first things that went through my head when I found out we were having triplets was..." followed by something like this: - "we'll have to get a minivan." - "I guess I'll...
April 19th, 2010. I can’t believe it was almost three years ago. That was the day I became a MOM. I remember hearing my sweet baby boy cry for the first time, laying eyes on him and immediately understood that...
I am going to start this post with a confession that may surprise you. I exclusively breastfed but it really irritates me when people only portray the positive traits of breastfeeding. While the La Leche League is a lovely...
When I was pregnant I decided that I would be neutral on the breastfeeding issue. I didn’t feel strongly either way but wanted to give it a try. My philosophy was: if it works, great; if not, no worries....
When I was pregnant, I never planned to breastfeed. I don't really have any good reasons why, but it just wasn't on my radar. Perhaps it's because I was formula fed myself, or perhaps it's because I was insanely...
Several years ago, before Jane was even a twinkle in my eye, I decided I wanted to make my own baby food. I think my desire to do so stemmed from my odd love of the 1980s movie Baby Boom with...
I'm a smoothie whore. I love them. I have about 20 different recipes I've fine-tuned over the years, and they are awesome. If I could eat (or drink, rather) smoothies all day, every day, I would. I’m not talking about...