One of the most empowering things I’ve ever done for myself was assert myself at a mechanic’s shop when the salesman tried to sell me on an oil change and tune up in addition to my tire rotation and...
Who DOESN'T have a smart phone these days? How smart are they really, though? If you use them correctly, they can certainly help you be more money smart! I am LOVING the apps that give you cash back and...
I was staring into our hall closet (where all the things I can’t find go to hide) when I realized I wanted to move and leave everything in it as an incentive for the next owner. I’ve also been glaring...
The holidays are upon us, and you may find yourself looking for a way to decorate a table with fresh flowers for a dinner or party without breaking the bank. Using local foliage and some inexpensive flowers available at...
A few years ago we made a big decision in our household :: to go cable free. Our very busy schedules, desire to reduce our household costs, and the introduction of a little black box, one that would stream...
Big-Box Store? No Thank You! I am an online shopping junkie. I order everything I can online. I mean, why go into a store when I can get the same or similar item from the comfort of my own home, often for...
It never fails. My 5 and 8 year olds get loads of cash for their birthdays and then want to spend it on a Skill Crane machine, or on ANOTHER Matchbox car to go with the other 947 that...
Grocery Hack :: How To Stick To A Budget Grocery shopping for a family, large or small, can always be a burden on the account, especially these days with the cost of living so high. For a long time, I...
This post is not sponsored in any way. My family genuinely enjoyed the referenced local businesses and wanted to share our experience with you.  Don't have the budget or time to travel? Overwhelmed about where to go and what to...
I never knew how much I took quality "me" time for granted until I had a child. Before Andrew, it was no big deal for me to stop at the mall or Target for a little retail therapy on my...
Last month, I told you some basic things that you could do to save money on food without using coupons and apps and such. I told you that this month I would give you some ideas to do the...
Kid art is such a difficult thing in my opinion. You want to save each and every masterpiece, but you don’t want be drowning in construction paper and finger painting glory. You would need a storage unit to just...
During my evacuation from Ida, safely ensconced in a hotel room almost 200 miles from New Orleans, I ran the gamut of emotions. Concern, of course; stress - naturally … but I also felt deep and poignant gratitude. I...
Ready or not!! It's time to start preparing for Christmas! If you have a huge budget and a big fat bank account, you can skip this post if you like! But, if Christmas seems to cost you a fortune, and...

