As I sat through four parades today, watching what seemed like the endless procession of scantily clad, fully grown women headed down St. Charles Avenue, I thought to myself, where are these women’s daughters? Where are the mortified girls asking...
Sometimes when I read articles about Mardi Gras and see friends posting pictures from every.single.parade, I feel like such a Mardi Gras dud. I am not a ride or die Mardi Gras New Orleanian. Don't get me wrong, growing up...
Sleep Deprivation :: A Reality of Motherhood Sleep deprivation has turned me into an awful mother. My youngest child has not slept a full night since birth. Yes, we tried sleep training but our trials have resulted in the baby...
As a mother, one of the things I am constantly challenged with is being present in the here and now. For me, especially with my firstborn, I was constantly looking forward to what was next, to all of the...
5 Ways to Make the Most Out Of Your Library Card With the start of the new year, many of us like to start everything with a blank slate: lose weight, get healthy … SAVE MONEY. What if I told you...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by our friend and fellow New Orleans mom, Dr. Lacey Andreotta, at Southern Dental Care. Brighten Your Teeth with Southern Dental of New Orleans Being a mom on the go means drinking as much coffee and...

He Gets It From His Mama

He Gets It From His Mama If my four year old had his way, his wardrobe would consist of too small shorts, sleeveless shirts, and athletic pants with stripes down the side. If I suggest he wears jeans, he melts into...
Oh sure, Mardi Gras is all fun and games if you're a grown up. But have you ever stopped to think about the children? Those poor kids, they have Mardi Gras problems, you know. You can read more about NOLA...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Children's Hospital. Guiding Families to Healthier Living with Children’s Hospital Healthy Lifestyle Clinic Ever since King Numa Pompillus of Rome added January to the calendar around 700 BC, January has represented a time of...
Amy Dannen is the wife of Tulane’s Athletic Director, Troy Dannen, who was appointed to the position in December. The Dannens are coming to New Orleans from Cedar Falls, Iowa where Troy previously served as Athletic Director at the...
Social media, the news, the Huffington Post, and society all tell us what being a "good mom" means. It usually involves cooking healthy meals without high fructose corn syrup, brushing teeth twice a day, giving baths, helping out with homework,...
10 Signs You're a NOLA Mom During Mardi Gras Season It's the most wonderful time of the year ... Mardi Gras season! For many around the country, it might mean just a few parades, beads, and masks. For New Orleans moms, though,...
Mardi Gras Survival Guide for Moms Surviving Mardi Gras as a mom who wants to go to ALL. OF. THE. PARADES. is more of an art form then anything. With four littles, it isn't always easy for us, but it...
If you have recently moved to New Orleans, welcome to the best city ever! Mardi Gras with kids is like nothing you've ever experienced before. While you shouldn’t plan to rest much during parade season (yep, you need to let...