Whew! We survived 9 weeks of quarantine, and now they are letting us out (in limited numbers for the next 21 days…). It lasted longer than I originally thought it would, but the time passed relatively quickly. Now that I can venture out again, I started reflecting on what I LIKED about being confined to my home for an unprecedented amount of time.
As a mama in my mid 30’s, I spent the majority of my youth gabbing on the phone with BFFs and crushes. It was a huge deal when I got my own phone in my room although my parents never allowed me to have my own phone line like my BFF. My people and I use to talk for hours. I don’t even know how we as 14-year-olds had that much to say. Enter iPhones, texting, and social media, and I really only have regular telephone conversations with my partner, mother, and Ride or Die Friend. However, once we were banned from seeing people, I decided to do “mental health checks” on my friends. It was therapeutic to hear the sweet voices of my friends that I couldn’t see in person and rarely spoke to on the phone. Once I started calling them, many began to call me. It is so nice to be able to tell a story with voice inflection and a narrative as opposed to typing paragraphs and hoping they follow. Also, sometimes it is legit more efficient. If I was picking up items at a store, it was easier to just get my friend on the line instead of waiting for back and forth texts.
Let’s be real, there isn’t much to do in quarantine. Our kids were pretty good at entertaining themselves if it meant avoiding home learning. My partner was working from home, but not super busy. So we had ample time to double our weekly number of lovemaking opportunities. It’s a great stress reliever, which was beneficial during an uncertain time. I think our copious amount of time between the sheets helped us remain closer during the whole process.
How many neighbors did you see for the first time during quarantine?!? I saw a TON. I knew we had a lot of houses on our street, but never actually saw most of the inhabitants. It was nice waving to new people. Or having a sidewalk to porch introduction. I use to only see the couple that lives behind me during Mardi Gras, but during quarantine I literally saw them every single day for weeks. It was refreshing to sit outside and see the people in our neighborhood.
Again, we had plenty of time on our hands. Nowhere to go + yoga pant uniform + streaming workouts = ample opportunity to exercise. My partner and I both made exercise a priority. We held each other accountable and coordinated to make sure we could both have time to get our workout in undisturbed.
I may be a little high maintenance on the regular with my products and serums, but sometimes I was just too worn out and tired to keep up regularly. Not rushing to after school activities gave me ample time to pamper myself many evenings while confined to the house. It felt good to give myself some TLC every night. Everything from my special foot cream to my “blood mask” got used regularly. While I don’t suddenly look 10 years younger, I’m not coming out of this haggard either.
I couldn’t wait to be released, but overall it wasn’t terrible. I hope that I am able to sustain some of these things going forward. Most importantly I hope to never be in quarantine again!