Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Tulane Baseball.
Join Tulane Baseball for a Youth Spring Training All Skills Camp
Tulane Baseball is hosting an all skills camp for kindergarteners through 8th graders on January 19th. The camp will run from 9 am to 2 pm and will be located at Greer Field at Turchin Stadium.
Here is what you should know before you decide to send your child::
Who :: All baseball players from kindergarten though 8th grade.
What :: Spring training all skills camp
When :: January 19th
Why ::
- All attendees receive a Tulane Baseball Shirt
- Advanced lectures & instruction in the fundamentals of the game.
- Fundamental drills for throwing, hitting, fielding and much more.
- Learn the Rules of the Game.
- Practice sportsmanship & being a good teammate.
- Access to the Tulane Baseball Facilities: Indoor cages and playing field.
- Opportunity to meet the Tulane Baseball Coaching Staff and players.
- Water & snacks provided daily. Lunch WILL be provided.
How and How Much? :: Camp is $75 and can be registered for HERE.
Camp space is limited! Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions!