Big Things Come In Little Packages: From a 15 ounce baby to a thriving toddler

Before having my second child, I didn’t know much about preemies, and I knew zero about micro preemies. All that would come to mind when I heard the word “preemie” was an adorable teeny tiny baby and clothes small enough to fit a Build-A-Bear. Little did I know that I would be chosen to be a preemie mom with my second child.

I had my first son in February 2008. My pregnancy was normal up until 30 weeks or so when my blood Liam edited 1-1-1pressure started to creep up. Before I knew it, I was put on bed rest and doing 24 hour urine catches. I was diagnosed with preeclampsia. Luckily, we were able to hold off inducing until 37 weeks and my adorable son Noah was born into this world at a small, but healthy, six pounds.

My husband  and I always knew we would have another child. I spoke with my OB/GYN about the risks of developing preeclampsia again. She said I did have a higher risk of developing it again, but some mothers don’t have it in subsequent pregnancies so we decided to go for baby #2. After two miscarriages and actively trying for a year, we were very excited to be pregnant again!

From the start, my pregnancy wasn’t an easy one. Early on, I began spotting and had to take progesterone supplements until I hit the second trimester. Then I began developing high blood pressure shortly after. I was put on blood pressure medicine in hopes to keep it under control. Besides my blood pressure being high, everything was fairly normal until my 20 week ultrasound. At that time, it was discovered that the baby was measuring very behind, and I was then referred to a high risk doctor.

My high risk doctor did a panel of blood work (19 vials to be exact, OUCH!) and the results showed that I had a blood clotting disorder but everything else was normal. I was monitored weekly and the baby was growing, but just at a very small pace. I had many ultrasounds, and my doctor was just stumped as to why my baby was so small.IMG_1927 The baby had reverse blood flow and was severe IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). Since I knew I’d be having an early delivery, I was given steroid shots to help the baby’s lungs develop.

At 27 weeks and 6 days, after an ultrasound, my high risk doctor decided that day was the day for delivery. Even though I was on bed rest and had repeatedly been told that “any day could be the day,” I was still in complete shock. I didn’t know what to expect and saying I was scared was an understatement. She called my OB at 12:25 p.m. and my micro preemie Liam was born at 1:11 p.m., weighing right under a pound at 15 ounces and measuring 11 inches.

The first few days of our new journey I was beyond myself. I didn’t know what emotions to feel or how to react. I was scared and nervous but so hopeful for Liam. I kept on thinking to myself that God had sent my family a miracle, and we just had to be patient and watch this miracle unfold.

Photo by Christie Froom Photography

I’m not a patient person and am a total planner, and these traits aren’t good ones to have while being in the NICU. I was told that my best guess of a discharge date would be my due date, which was January 5. The days were long, and the weeks dragged on. If I wasn’t at the NICU, then I was found pumping or taking care of my other son Noah. I think I aged many years during his NICU stay.

Although sometimes those 101 days in the NICU seem like they just happened yesterday, Liam is now 17 months old and my happy, healthy boy brings me so much joy every day. Having my micro preemie opened my eyes up to the thousands of preemie babies born every year and inspired me to become active in helping other preemie moms and their families. I have become dedicated to the March of Dimes and love participating in their annual March for Babies. Last year, Liam weighed in at 8 pounds at the time of the walk; this year, he will be walking alongside his family and friends (well, at least for a small portion!).  I can’t wait to see the other preemie babies who walked last year, and I can’t wait to show off the progress Liam has made. The saying “big things come in small packages” may be cliché, but one look at my Liam and you know it’s true!

Want to read more about Mary’s story?

Pumping for a Preemie: Regaining Control and Establishing a Connection

Finding Friendships in Unexpected Places

An Interview With a Big Brother of a Preemie

Want to read more about premature babies?

It Is Possible To Carry To Full Term After A Preemie

Reflecting On our Time in the NICU

Faith, Peace, and Love: Our NICU Journey

Challenges Encountered with Preemies and Sleep

Feeding a Preemie: The Challenges of Pumping

Two is Our Lucky Number: Welcoming Cooper & Grant at 31 Weeks


Mary Olivio

olivio-76Mary is a stay at home mom to her sons, Noah (5) and Liam (1) and has been married to her high school sweetheart Clint since 2007. Mary is a graduate of the University of New Orleans, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism. Her son Liam is a micro preemie, and she is now passionate in the preemie community and the March of Dimes. Mary is also active with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and is a co founder of the VLW Scholarship at her alma mater Cabrini High School in New Orleans, which awards a scholarship yearly in memory of their dear classmate who was killed by a drunk driver. Mary enjoys blogging about her family, New Orleans and all things preemie related on her blog at Micropreemie Mom.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Mary. Modern medicine and God are both very, very good! What a blessing Liam is!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your story. My daughter is a micro preemie, she was born at 26 weeks(1lb 12oz). She’s 2 1/2 and still as feisty as the day she was born. ” Though she may be but little, she is fierce” You should never underestimate anyone, especially these tiny little babies who came into this world ready to fight 🙂

  3. I have 1 preemie and 2 micro preemies. i have a 32 weeker and shes 7 now. a 29 weeker thats two and a 25 weeker thants alomost 1 and all have slight health issues but nothing big. Baby Liam is a miracle as are all preemies and micro preemies.

  4. My daughter Jillian was delivered via emergency csection Ovtober 4th 2011 at 27 weeks because of my severe per eclampsia. My proteins in my urine was 4,400+, my kidneys were failing… She came out squeeking at an amazing 1lb 11.3oz and 13″ long. They took her because she too had reverse diastolic flow threw the umbilical cord. She spent 64 days in the NICU and came home dec 7th, my due date was dec 30th, at 4lbs 7oz!!! She’s now 17months old, walking talking some, and a holy terror!!!! Lol she has NO fear of anything!! Thank you for sharing Liam’s amazing story!!

  5. Aghhh I have been wanting to comment on your post for days but haven’t had the time until now. I just wanted to let you know how wonderfully I think you described things. The line where you said that “The first few days of our new journey I was beyond myself” brought tears to my eyes. While I have not walked in your shoes I have seen so many who have. I imagine that many preemie moms could connect with your description of being “beyond yourself.” It is such a huge (and unasked for) undertaking to be a preemie mom and you have done it fabulously! Three cheers for your amazing and healthy little man!


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