10 Ways I Stopped Spending Too Much Money on Groceries {Part 2} In part 1, I revealed some major changes I made to save money on groceries. While I was looking for a job after we moved to Louisiana, I...
Last month, I told you some basic things that you could do to save money on food without using coupons and apps and such. I told you that this month I would give you some ideas to do the...
This is a HOT topic right now. My kids start back in just two weeks! Summer has FLOWN by! So, while the deals will come and go each week, there are a few blanket suggestions that I have learned over...
One of my favorite pastimes is taking Saturday trips to the farmer's market. My sister-in-law and I have ventured to multiple markets in the area, scoping out the best produce, baked goods, cheeses, milks, you name it. My three year...
Nature as Therapy for Families Perhaps I am biased on the subject since I practically grew up outdoors, but this past month I realized just how badly kids and parents need nature adventures together. My sister was in charge of planning...
What's sweeter than a little girl in a precious smocked dress? Well, not much in my opinion, maybe a BIG matching bow and cute shoes to tie the look all together. Growing up and living in the south, it seems...
I am definitely NOT the financially-inclined partner in my marriage. I am not the bread-winner; I’m not the budgeter; and I’m certainly not the saver. I am a GREAT spender. My husband calls me a “marketer’s dream.” So, when...
I was ecstatic the day I received THE call from one of my sisters that she was engaged! After the excitement wore off, the wedding details started to emerge. The ceremony was to be held...gasp...outside of Houston! Don't get...
What I’ve learned most about shopping on Black Friday is that you either LOVE it or loathe it. Starting by October, our emails are filled with Black Friday promotions. It seems like every year the sales start earlier. Back...
PayPal is one of the most popular ways to buy and sell online across the country or even the globe. I've personally been using PayPal for over fifteen years and have never had any problems with it. It's simple...
Happy National Coffee Day! We are so lucky to live in a coffee-rich city. NOLA's own Cold Brew is starting to become a phenomonon across the nation, while Chicory blends remain a tried-and-true New Orleans tradition. With a coffee shop on what seems...
This month, I am going to rave and gush about why I love CVS. Before I started couponing, I Would. Have. NEVER! gone into a drug store to purchase ANYTHING other than prescriptions! What crazy high prices they have!! Oh, how...
If there is one thing that I love doing with my family, it's camping. My husband and I have been camping since the start of our relationship over 15 years ago. Since having our son, camping has become one of our...
10 Ways I Stopped Spending Too Much Money on Groceries {Part 1} If you cut your grocery bill by just $10 a week, that’s $520 you can save a year. For some families, that’s just fun money. For others, it’s...

