
New Orleans Mom Guest Author

New Orleans Mom Guest Author

Adoption Blessings: From a Case Worker’s Perspective

During the month of November as we give thanks for many blessings in our lives, we are also reminded that November is National Adoption Awareness month. As the Program Director of Adoption Services for...

Opened Hearts: A Birthmother’s Story

Alone. Scared. Confused. Mad at God. Mad at myself. Mad at the world. This seems to be the general consensus that sums up the beginning of every adoption story for birth mothers. What in...

Opened Hearts: Jennifer and Kyle’s Open Adoption Story

Six years ago, my husband and I were accepted into the Catholic Charities of Baton Rouge adoption class. What an exciting start to a long journey that had actually started many, many years ago...

Considering Adoption: A Maternity Case Worker’s Perspective

A variety of factors may lead to a mother’s decision to consider an adoption plan for her child. She may have questions or fears about her readiness to be a mother or about her...

I Am From Two Places, Two Families, Two Homes, Two Hearts

My daughter doesn’t talk very much about the fact that she was adopted at birth. OK. She’s 12, so she doesn’t talk much about anything really. I have to play 20 Questions with her every...

Forever Families Needed: Apply Within

“By choice, we have become a family, first in our hearts, and finally in breath and being. Great expectations are good; great experiences are better." -Richard Fischer, Adoptive parent Each November child welfare organizations sponsor National Adoption...

The Journey of Adoption is a Family Affair: Transracial Adoption

People say the only way to appreciate your mother is to become one, and unfortunately, I became a mother one week after losing mine. My mom passed away a week to the day that...

Purple is the New Black: Let’s Paint New Orleans Purple on November 21!

ALG Style is passionate about purple. Purple is the color worn by royals, purple in its various shades is flattering on all skin tones, we are fans of Purple Haze, LSU purple, Mardi Gras...

Music To My Ears: Kids Music That is Bearable

This time of year usually brings a lot of travel to visit family and friends, which means lots of time spent in the car. If your children are like mine, they want to hear...

Our Journey as Parents of Micro-Preemie Twins

Life is always full of ups and downs, and the journey to and through parenthood has been no exception. After 2 years of praying, shedding tears and undergoing aggressive fertility, my husband and I conceived...

The Power of Prayer and the Miracle of Modern Medicine

Just over 6 years ago, we got a very brief introduction to being the parents of a premature baby. Our oldest daughter, Claire, entered this world almost 5 weeks early. For us, parenthood began with...

A Grandfather’s Tale: Supporting Your Children Through A Preemie

Becky, one of the angels of the NICU, was calling me. Sitting with Jessica while she held Lea was a quiet ritual I had come to look forward to, as it gave me the...

Help! My Child Quits Everything! How To Make It Stop

Mom wants little Suzie to be involved in something, to find an activity she loves and can excel in. So-and-so from school belongs to this soccer team/dance class/karate dojo, so that seems like a...

The Truth Lies Somewhere in the Middle

At the end of a long day it’s not uncommon for me to reflect on my day and think: The mother I was today is the not the mother I wanted to be. I cried, I...