We are the mothers living through a global pandemic, home schooling, cooking, cleaning, working, worrying about childhood trauma and emotional stress, checking on our friends, baking bread and keeping businesses afloat.
We are the mothers setting the boundaries of technology. Our mothers barely knew what the internet was, let alone had to worry about when we should get our first tablets or phones. Our mothers didn’t worry about limiting screen time, Barney was teaching us how to clean up and that seemed well and good enough.
We are the mothers navigating the constant flow of information and its contradictions.
We are the mothers judging and being judged by the curated lives we see on social media.
We are the mothers behind “what’s wrong with kids today?”
We are the mothers worrying about school shootings, the trauma of active shooter drills, wanting to believe our babies are safe everyday but deep inside knowing we are powerless to protect them from this.
We are the mothers not leaving kids waiting in the car to run into a store. We are the mothers who feel like if we don’t at all times know where our children are and what they’re doing, we’re somehow putting them in danger.
We are the mothers who know perfect car seat strap placement, which sleepers have been recalled, which sleeping method our family subscribes to. We are the mothers who know statistics.
We are the mothers fully determined to finally fix racism and sexism. It’s all gone on long enough and we want our kids to be different.
We are the mothers teaching consent. We’re teaching our boys to listen, be sensitive, gentle and strong. We’re teaching our girls to stand up for themselves, to demand more and not settle for less.
We are the mothers worrying about organic and processed foods. The mothers who know that adding toast and orange juice to cereal doesn’t make it part of a “balanced breakfast.” The mothers who know about food allergies and which items can go in the school lunchboxes and which can’t.
We are the mothers worrying about the mothers who came before us and looking around and wondering “who cares about us?”
We are the mothers trying to do it all, have it all and we’re tired.