I’m the Married Friend

Friends. How many of us have them? Friends. The ones we can depend on. Whether we are fans of the television sitcom series Friends or Girlfriends, we are all familiar with the cliche dynamics of a group of friends. The “Single Friend” also known as the one who lives her life loud and proud with no regrets. The “Mom Friend” AKA the friend who always makes sure everyone gets home safely after a wild night out or always has the essentials ready, and prepared when traveling. The “Ride or Die Friend” is that friend that will always be there no matter what, when, or where.

And then, there’s “The Married Friend” or the friend who has been married for years, has all the kids, and wants nothing more than to see all of her friends join the club. After 10 years of marriage and 3 kids later, this is who I’ve become. Hello, I am the “The Married Friend.”

Being the “The Married Friend” has its advantages.

Marriage & Men

By default, you’ve now become the relationship guru. Being married at a young age takes wisdom and patience. Being the only married friend in a group of Millennials takes practice and practice makes perfect. Your friends assume you have been through it all as well as can give sound and expert advice on everything there is to know about men and relationships all while getting through this crazy thing called marriage. But guess what, the joke is on them! LOL! Being married for 10 years has given a new outlook on men and relationships;.. it has also prepared me for the unexpected. And that’s exactly what long-term, committed relationships are comprised of, THE UNEXPECTED! No two relationships are the same.

Children & Checkups

“The Married Friend” also is known as “The Nurse.” When all the other friends start having children and growing their families, they begin to ask you all things kids. Of course, the typical questions always arise. How was it being pregnant? What was labor like? Did your baby do this or that? Is this rash normal? All the questions that you should have answers for but most of the time, you don’t. You’re just trying to figure this mom thing out one day at a time just like them. There’s no right or wrong answer to any of these questions just best practices.

It’s great to be “The Married Friend”, to offer marital or parental advice, to be there for your friends whenever they have questions or curiosities, or to be known as the “Yoda” of your friend’s (bonus points). The point is, it great to be a part of a group of friends who look up to you as a source of information. A knowledgeable woman amongst her inner circle who can offer advice when it’s needed. So, what friend are you?


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