I had seen in years past in my social media, feed of children who had been “Booed!” and had always hoped it would happen to us. So imagine my delight … and also my children’s when we opened the door to leave for school to discover a Halloween bucket full of treats on our porch! To be honest, I may have squealed louder than they did.
Is being Booed a good thing?
Of course it is! If you have never heard of being Booed before, the concept is simple, and hopefully your bucket comes with instructions, like ours did. To “Boo people” simply means to spread the holiday cheer! An anonymous person or family from the neighborhood gathers a Halloween bucket with treats, like Halloween goodies and toys and the “We’ve Been Booed!” sign with instructions at a neighbor or two’s front door. That family’s instructions are to pass the Booing on!
Treats, treats, treats
Need ideas for how to get your Boo Bucket started? My kids loved the fun treats that were in our bucket! We received a can of silly string, Halloween themed bubbles, playdoh, and even a cute Halloween kitchen towel for mama! Some things we included in our two pass it on buckets were “brain” gummies, Halloween gel clings, Halloween themed socks, packs of glow bracelets, and costume pieces ( a witch nose and cat face!). The girls truly delighted in hitting up the Target dollar spot in search for goodies that other kids would enjoy. They spent forever debating the plethora of Halloween fun to select the perfect spooky goodies that they themselves would love to have! I may or may not have been talked into two extra popcorn hands and an extra set of gel clings, even though our front door is already covered in them …
How we chose to pass it on!
My kids instinctively wanted to Boo our close friends, but our instructions specifically said to keep it in the neighborhood. So on the first actual fall day we set out on an evening walk to pick homes where we thought kids might live. Being that it is Halloween season, they were easy to spot with the copious amounts of kid-themed spooky decorations and webs clumped together in bushes. (I know all too well spreading spider webs is not really a skill set small children possess…) They sneaked quietly up to two chosen porches to leave their Boo Buckets in anticipation of delighting the children inside.
Sharing is caring
I really enjoyed this simple activity with my kids because it led to a bigger discussion on giving to others. They loved the idea that we had been picked to receive a goody bucket and wanted to share that experience with other kids. For us, it led to a natural discussion on how we can repeat the concept by not only “Elf-ing” our neighbors at Christmas, but also different ways we can pass on joy to those less fortunate than us. We will definitely be incorporating how we can bring happiness to others throughout the holiday seasons and we hope you do too!