
Lydia Witte

Lydia Witte

How I Successfully Set Boundaries With My Family :: 4 Easy Steps and Examples

How I Successfully Set Boundaries With My Family :: 4 Easy Steps and Examples The holidays, while full of love and joy, are oftentimes also incredibly stressful. There are gifts to buy and wrap, traveling...

New Year’s Resolution :: Let’s Hit the Gym

Here are my three favorite New Orleans gyms to get you back in the exercise and wellness game.  F45 (3300 Magazine St, New Orleans, LA 70115) $179 a month unlimited F45 is my go to....

What Teachers Really Want for the Holidays

What Teachers Really Want for the Holidays It seems as though every year, I see another post asking for ideas on what to gift their kids' teachers. The answer is very simple! It’s cash in...

10 Teacher Approved Gifts for Your Toddler

10 Teacher Approved Gifts for Your Toddler Happy Holidays! I have been an early childhood professional for over a decade and have two wonderful children of my own. Parents are always asking me for ideas...

A Simple Tip to a Successful Thanksgiving

A Simple Tip to a Successful Thanksgiving Each year our Thanksgiving has looked a little different. Sometimes it’s just the four of us (or even three of us when my husband has to work). Or,...

Part 3: YES! You Can Take Your Kids to Spain! … And Here’s My...

If you're looking for a 7 day Barcelona itinerary, you can find one HERE. If you're looking for a 6 day itinerary to Madrid, you can find one HERE. Part 3: YES! You Can Take Your...

Part 2 :: Yes, You Can Take Your Kids to Spain! … And Here’s...

If you're looking for a 7 day Barcelona itinerary, you can find one HERE. If you're looking for a 4 day Granada itinerary, you can find one HERE. Part 2 :: Yes, You Can Take Your...

My All-Inclusive Resort Review of Paradisus La Perla at Playa del Carmen, Mexico

My All-Inclusive Resort Review of Paradisus La Perla at Playa del Carmen, Mexico This past summer, my family and I traveled to Mexico and stayed at the all-inclusive resort, Paradisus La Perla in Playa del...

Yes, You Can Take Your Kids to Spain! … And Here’s My Barcelona Itinerary

Yes, You Can Take Your Kids to Spain! ... And Here’s My Barcelona Itinerary Traveling through Spain has been one of my favorite trips I have ever taken. Before leaving, my husband and I were...

Confession :: I’m A Helicopter Parent [But Only In NOLA]

Confession :: I’m A Helicopter Parent All of us who live in New Orleans have a love-hate relationship with New Orleans. New Orleans has magic that just doesn’t exist in other places. Our kids...

7 Tips For Getting Your Kids Up And Out the Door For School

7 Tips For Getting Your Kids Up And Out the Door For School I’ve been a mom for nine years and a teacher for eight; I still text my mom friend group for tips and...

5 Reasons We Don’t Regret Buying Our Electric Car

  5 Reasons We Don’t Regret Buying Our Electric Car It has been one year since we bought our Tesla. One week into owning it and I knew I would never go back to a regular...

I’m a Rental Girly :: Tips for a Successful Rental Clothing Subscription

I’m a Rental Girly :: Tips for a Successful Rental Clothing Subscription Are you looking to switch up your look this summer? Are you going on a trip and feel like you have nothing to...

Traveling With a Small Budget? Try a House Swap

Traveling With a Small Budget? Try a House Swap Have you ever watched The Holiday with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz and thought, ‘Wow! I wish I could do that!’ Well, guess what? You can....