My Second Alcohol-Free Summer :: A Journey from Desperation to Joy

My Second Alcohol-Free Summer :: A Journey from Desperation to Joy


Introduction: In April 2023, I made a life-changing decision. Battling postpartum depression and feeling desperate, I knew something had to change. Now, almost 15 months later, I find myself reflecting on my second alcohol-free summer, a milestone I never imagined I’d reach.

A Desperate Start: My journey began out of sheer necessity. Despite starting medication and seeking therapy, I was still struggling. The idea of giving up alcohol seemed impossible, but I knew it was my only way out. The first summer, I kept a low profile, supported by my incredible husband. Our house, with its beloved pool, became a daunting place as I navigated social events without a drink in hand.

Discovering Cannabis Beverages: Last summer, I discovered cannabis beverages, which became my saving grace. They allowed me to relax and participate without the pressure to explain my choice of water over alcohol. This simple change helped me survive the summer, focusing each day on not reaching for a drink.

Realizing the Benefits: As the summer progressed, I noticed significant changes. I felt better than I had in two decades. My skin glowed, I lost weight effortlessly, and I finally got the quality sleep I desperately needed. More importantly, I began to genuinely enjoy motherhood, relishing moments with my kids rather than dreading the next disaster.

Embracing the New Normal: Now, in my second alcohol-free summer, I feel like a pro. The thought of drinking no longer crosses my mind. I’ve reclaimed my enthusiasm for life, and when offered a drink, I simply say no without feeling the need to explain. Remarkably, more friends are seeking alcohol-free recommendations and sharing their own experiences.

Encouragement for Others: If you’re facing your first alcohol-free summer or even just considering an alcohol-free weekend, know that it’s okay to struggle. Embrace the discomfort and explore what truly bothers you. For me, it was social anxiety, masked by alcohol. Once I stopped drinking, my anxiety diminished, and I started to enjoy social gatherings genuinely.

The journey wasn’t easy, but the rewards are immeasurable. From last summer’s hardships to today’s joy, I’d endure it all again to feel this good. Remember, it’s about taking small steps, embracing the challenge, and discovering a healthier, happier you. If you’re on this path, take heart in knowing you’re not alone, and the struggle is worth it.

Call to Action: Are you considering an alcohol-free journey? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let’s support each other through this transformative process!

Monica Roerig Olano
First, a wife and then a mom to three under three, born within 18 months amidst infertility challenges—my life's chaos is my strength. Beyond family, I left a successful corporate career to launch my own digital marketing consultancy. Diagnosed with ADHD later in life and navigating postpartum struggles, I've turned these challenges into superpowers, fueling my mission to start a sober-ISH revolution. Through my podcast and initiatives, I aim to expose the truth about alcohol and enlighten society on healthier alternatives. Visit my website linked above to dive into my journey, resources, and more. I'm not just about words; I'm about action—changing views, one honest conversation at a time. Embracing my unique journey, I lead with resilience and determination.


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