Hey, millennials. We have been through some things, both good and bad. But let’s focus on the good: we had the best cartoons, great family sitcoms, Michael Jordan in Space Jam, Boy Bands, Butterfly hair clips, Lisa Frank, Nintendo, the list goes on.
But ONE of the best things that ever came out of our generation is the Internet. We started the whole social media movement. Remember Myspace? Yes, the website that allowed you to put your favorite songs on your personal page with all the glittered graphics and fun pictures that you spent hours uploading on to the dial-up network. I had AOL, and sometimes my mom had to use the phone, so I had to log off when I was in the chat room with my friends, meeting new people by first signing on with my A/S/L. A few months later she got a different line so she could use the phone and I could be online at the same time! That was so cool.
For College Students only
When Myspace came out, I was in high school. I couldn’t wait to get home and see who wrote on my page and to jazz it up with all the cute graphics I could find. Then my younger sisters and other family members started to log on, ugh!
Going into college I was introduced to Facebook. “You mean to tell me I have to have a college email address and you can only join if you’re in college, yes I’m in!” Facebook was the start of something amazing. It seemed exclusive and I could connect with other college students from across the country and just talk about my day. You know, basic college stuff like, “Don’t take Dr. Such and Such for Marketing 101. His class is hard for no reason.” Or I could upload pics of my sorority sisters and me doing things around campus for all the likes I could get. Then after a while, Facebook started opening to EVERYONE. “O gosh, my mom is on Facebook and requested to be my friend. Now I have to watch what I post. UGH!”
Up On times
Then the mobile era came, and we had access to all our favorite social media sites at our fingertips. Now we have Facebook, Instagram, Vine (whatever happened to Vine?) Snapchat, YouTube mobile, the sky is the limit.
Now the newest trend (for me since quarantine) is TikTok. Remember how we used to be upset when the older generations entered in our social media outlets? Are we doing that with TikTok and Gen Z? Either way, it’s fun. Basically, Tiktok connects you to videos made by those in your age range and things you like. Honestly, I’ve spent time (when the baby is sleeping) scrolling through some of the videos and laughed so hard on how funny and relatable the videos are.
I must say that social media has helped me during this time at home. I can still connect with everyone, create new videos, and learn everything from knitting to starting a business.
The years we had with witnessing the change of technology is amazing. I must say that I’ve enjoyed seeing the development and creativity this has become. It’s nice to know that we got to experience new things and it’s all thanks to those before us. Now we can also say that we as a generation gave something to those who are coming after us.
Are you a millennial? Even if you’re not, how has social media played a part in your life? Let me know in the comments.