Jamie Centner
Are You Ready For a New Look? {Sponsored Giveaway :: Makeover and Photography Session}
Having small children can make otherwise routine tasks seemingly impossible. Before children, I often wondered why mothers usually had either extremely long hair or extremely short hair. After my first child, I completely forgot...
Finding Serenity Aboard the Carnival Sunshine {Sponsored Post}
Being a stay-at-home mommy has always been an aspiration of mine. My husband and I decided five years ago to not only start our family, but also that I would be the stay-at-home parent....
The Warm Place and A Call From Santa
As the holidays grow nearer we all begin to take notice of our many blessings. This year on Facebook, I've been happy to see all the treasures and sentiments that my friends are thankful...
Mommy Truth: Why I Lie to My Children
Life with children is nothing that I thought it would be. Before children, I envisioned myself looking like a "Desperate Housewife," cooking like Martha Stewart and treating my children like the little angels I...
5 Things I Want My Sons To Know Before They Become Men
Growing up, I always knew I wanted to have kids. I was born to be a mommy to at least two children, if not more. There was never a doubt in my mind that...
Finding the Right School For Your Child…In New Orleans
I grew up in a suburb of Denver, Colorado where EVERYONE went to public school. My parents were able to find a nice home in a nice neighborhood and with it came a nice...