As it is often said, “The best parents are the ones without kids,” and I was no exception. Like most, I had several preconceived notions regarding how I would parent. Not to mention I was a former nanny AND childcare worker, so clearly I had it all figured out.
Little by little over the years, I have adjusted my expectations. As in, most days I no longer expect much more than to feed my kids and keep them alive. I started to think back on my expectations of life with kids versus the reality. It’s hard not to just sit back and laugh at myself.
Expectation: My child will never be allowed to throw a fit in a public place
Reality: We had screaming, tantruming child in the library. The library of all places!
Expectation: If my child does throw a fit in public, I will leave no matter what so as to not annoy other patrons.
Reality: We’ve had more than one grocery store freak out, and no way did I leave. It’s worse on the mom than the other shoppers anyway.
Expectation: My child will sleep in the crib from day one.
Reality: I co-slept with all of my children. In fact, my two-year-old refers to my bedroom as his room.
Expectation: My kids will not eat fast food.
Reality: By age three, my kids could recognize McDonalds, Chick-fil-A and Starbucks based on their logos.
Expectation: I will absolutely spank my child.
Reality: I do not spank my children.
Expectation: My child will not watch TV until he/she is at least two.
Reality: I think we held off for about 9 months with my first. With my second, I didn’t even try.
Expectation: My kids will not wear character clothing.
Reality: Nearly half my son’s wardrobe has characters. At least it’s cool ones, like Avengers or Star Wars.
Expectation: I will never lose my cool and yell at my children the way most mothers do.
Reality: Of course I have. There’s a reason MOST mothers do it.
Expectation: My house will not be overrun with toys.
Reality: On any given day, it looks like Toys R Us threw up in here.
Expectation: You won’t catch me driving a minivan.
Reality: Proud owner of a Honda Odyssey.
Expectation: I will love my kids.
Reality: I love my kids more than I could’ve ever imagined.
What are some parenting expectations you had that do not match up to your reality?
yep. yep. yep. and yep. haha. Except the fast food thing. I am so lucky that Andrew doesn’t really know the difference yet… but he loves some raising cane’s when I surprise him with it! (and he doesn’t like CFA… what’s up with that?)
Oh, lord, yes! I only do minimal characters (never on shoes!) and those are “play clothes” for the most part. I hate Every. Minute. of. it!
Spanking, yes, I planned to do it. Do I? I could probably count on my hands how many swats they have had between the two of them.
Tantrums?? My first didn’t, so I thought I was doing GREAT! Then along came Noah. We are considering pre-k anger management. It amazes me the emotion that the child has over some things.
I think we go in strong, and they wear us down to the stage of “choose your battles”.
I think we go in strong, and they wear us down to the stage of “choose your battles”. YES!