Yes, I Told My Daughter She Can Curse…
One day, my daughter and I were talking about strangers, being safe, and bullies. A lot is going on outside in the real world, and I want her to know different tools she can use in case someone tries to take her or harm her in any way.
Yes, you can say that!
During our conversation, I told her if someone touches you or pulls on you, you are allowed to scream at the top of your lungs … DON’T F#@$ TOUCH ME! or LEAVE ME THE F@#$$ ALONE. I made sure to tell her that’s the only time she can say any bad words. If she must yell them all at that time, fine by me! She needs to understand she should do whatever she needs to get attention. I have also taught her to say the normal “Help!” or “Fire!” Yelling also helps. Anything that gets someone’s attention.
Why can she do that?
When hearing about all the assaults and abductions around our community, as parents we try to come up with different ways to keep our families safe. In this case, I taught my daughter to scream to the top of her lungs all the curse words she knows, while kicking and punching as hard as she can. I typically do not curse in front of her, but I did when I was explaining the situation. Why did I tell her that she can do this? Well, if you ever notice, you hear a little kid say a bad word, you automatically react. Whether it’s an “I know I just didn’t hear a little girl curse” or “Whose kid is that cursing up like that, her parents should be ashamed.” But it’s a reaction, and when everyone is looking, they will possibly see something going on in hopes of taking notice, and intervening, or the person will get scared and run off.
Does it work?
I’ve seen videos of other parents implementing this tool with their kids. Gratefully we have not had to use this, and I hope we don’t ever have to. But now that I’m thinking about it, we should practice this one day; just go to the park and have my child scream out and see if anyone will react.
I’ve read so many creative ways to keep kids safe in this not-so-steady world we live in. I want to attempt to teach my child how to be aware and vocal when she feels uncomfortable around anyone, but not be afraid of standing up for herself.