Raising Chickens: An Investment That Is So Worth It!
As we have all seen costs rise and rise from our gas to our grocery bills, families have been trying to save money any way they can. Some ideas can be to start your own vegetable or fruit garden, or you can take on the amazing and fun responsibility and buy chickens!
Not sure if you have seen my other posts or see when I take over Instagram on our Take Over Tuesday’s but, this little lady is a crazy chicken lady. Growing up in the concrete jungle would prove that this is something no one would think I would take on. Surprisingly, it isn’t as difficult as it seems.
My spur of the moment purchase turned out to be one of the coolest purchases I have made to date, and let’s face it, I love me some purchases. I am a ‘fill the cart’ and then leave it kind of gal, fulfills the shopping bug in me.
Anyway, back to the chickens. I had no clue what I was doing, but the internet is your friend. The coop is the most important and probably costly expense, but once you have that, they are like your little new best friends. My girls follow me around the yard like a puppy dog, they love treats, they let you snuggle, sometimes, and they also provide the cutest little butt nuggets for you. It is like opening a present every day when I go check for eggs. No more ‘store bought’ eggs; I know what my girls eat and know my eggs are going to be tasty and healthy.
So, where do you even begin?
Where the heck to you find baby chickens? Let me just tell you, they are surprisingly everywhere. Locally, we have Tractor Supply, Jefferson Feed & Double M Feed. I have a total of 9, yes, NINE, chickens. They are all hens, so no rooster to wake my neighbors up, and also no chance of eating a baby chicken (sad face). Different breeds of chickens lay different colored eggs, we are currently getting blue, green, cream, and brown eggs.
My last purchase of hens came from Meyer Hatchery. They literally ship the chickens to you in a heated box. It is the most adorable thing and their little chirps, STOP IT! Since the littles do not have a momma to keep them warm, it is best to keep them inside under a heat lamp. Once they have their feathers, it is out with the big girls. My four newest have joined the ranks smoothly.
Making this investment up front is a nice way to make sure you have food always, so don’t come for me during a zombie apocalypse and try and get eggs because this is your heads up!