So many things come to mind when becoming a parent. As everyone says, parenting does not come with an instruction manual. Boy, do I wish it did. One of the instructions I wish came into play is the search for finding a school. A new level of anxiety is now activated.
Where did the time go?
I knew the time would come for us to transition into big school (that’s what we are going to call it), but I didn’t know it would come this fast. I mean we just got here like three years ago. Time slow down, please!
Anyway, I thought I had plenty of time. I researched schools, which is pretty shocking because I’m not a planner at all. I didn’t really bother to do the tours and everything because she was only three. Now it’s crunch time and I’m more anxious than ever.
The search is on.
As I read up on the several guides available for school options, I also think about my daughter’s first transition into school. It wasn’t easy. It took us two years for her to go to school without crying during drop-off. So, I know this is going to be a challenge.
I have a few tours coming up so I’m hopeful they will go well.
This is where the worrying comes in.
There are so many things going on in my head when I look into these schools. I just want to make sure I’m making the best possible decision for my daughter. Things have changed so much since being in grade school. I worry that I will fail her because I’m trusting the school to do what they need to do for my child to be successful in life. They will see her more than I will during the day.
In the back of my mind are many questions:
Should we do public or private school?
What is this One App thing and why is it so confusing?
Do I attend open houses or wait to do the One App?
What if the teachers don’t know how to handle her bold but sweet personality?
What if she’s mistreated because of how she looks?
What if they’re so many other kids in the class that she can’t keep up with the curriculum? Or if she is overwhelmed and she will not be able to get assistance?
And I dare not get on the topic of being social. I know my child and she will want to play with any and everyone she can, so what if the other kids don’t want to be bothered with her?
Whew talk about anxiety, I’m feeling it as I write this.
But in all, I’m very hopeful that this we will get through this and I will have made a good decision in the end. But I will be nervous as hell when she starts. But that is another story for another day. One step at a time, right?!