Because I am a white mother:
I was statistically more likely to survive childbirth.
I never have to worry about someone seeing my son riding his bike down the street and assuming it was stolen.
I don’t have to work hard to find puzzles, movies, books, Santas, superheroes and princesses that look like my children.
I don’t have to worry about my daughter’s hair being the subject of a biased school policy.
I don’t have to worry about my children attending a school where no one or very few people look like them.
I don’t have to teach my children how to interact with the police.
I don’t have to worry that one day my teenage son won’t come home because someone was uncomfortable with him just existing.
My children look like the people they see represented in the history books.
A landlord won’t have a problem renting to me, people assume I can pay my bills, and I am given the benefit of the doubt in situations.
The skin toned bandages and hotel shampoos are always right for my family.
Because I am a white mother:
It is my job to be sure my children see people of color as their doctors, teachers, sports coaches, and the owners of businesses we support.
I have to be sure the schools my children attend reflect the diverse set of friends I want my children to have.
I have to work extra hard to be sure the media consumed in our home reflects the diversity of our city, state, country and world.
I have to work hard to bridge the gap between the history they are taught and the history we are uncomfortable with.
I have to teach my children empathy, a thirst to understand someone’s experience, and how to be a listener.