Goodnight Virus

Inspired by Margaret Wise Brown’s bedtime classic, Goodnight Moon.

In the messy living room
There was a smartphone
Streaming friends over Zoom
And on the TV–

Another round of cartoons

And there were three squeeze pouches
On juice-stained couches

And two packs of chalk
Strewn on the sidewalk

And a box from Prime
And a glass of wine

And some plates and spilled cups and old snacks turned to mush

And a worn out mama who was hollering HUSH!

Goodnight room

Goodnight Zoom

Goodnight Disney Plus and all the cartoons 

Goodnight homework we didn’t do 

Goodnight FaceTime
Goodnight wine

Goodnight news reports
And goodnight blanket forts 

Goodnight backyard
and goodnight flashcards

Goodnight Prime box
And goodnight Clorox

Goodnight bubbles
And goodnight wands

Goodnight Netflix

Goodnight front lawns

And goodnight to the mama just holding on

Goodnight toilet paper

Goodnight long day

Goodnight everyone from six feet away

Erica Tran
Erica lives in Kenner with her husband Michael and her three sons, Benjamin, Joshua, and Elijah. After graduating from UL Lafayette with a degree in advertising and landing her dream job, she left her chosen field and now works part time as an administrative assistant for a Catholic retreat movement. She spends the rest of her time at home with her boys, finding lost toys and actively ignoring various messes. In 2019, she self-published her first book, The Sister. There's not a lot of free time between working, reading and writing, and chasing her kids, but in those moments she's usually sprawled on the sofa in casual denial about just how messy her house is.


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