When I was a little kid, I wanted nothing more than to have a huge family. I grew up watching shows like 7th Heaven and Step by Step, dreaming of lots of siblings and a house overflowing with activity. I grew up in a single-parent household in rural Florida. At that time, I was the oldest of two girls and lived not far from my maternal grandparents. My mom is an only child. At the time, she had no immediate intentions of having more kids so that craving I had for a big family dynamic was not getting squelched. My next hope was that I would marry into a big family.
My husband and I have been married for just over 2 years. We have 3 daughters. My husband is an only child with one living parent. Now, I am the oldest of four children with an extended family relationship that only goes as far as my maternal grandparents. I had sort of given up hope on being a part of a large family unit. I met my big girls after we got married. I KNEW from the beginning our relationship would special and I was not wrong.
In addition to developing this special relationship with my older girls, I now have relationships with their family too. Their mom, grandma, aunts, uncles, and cousins welcomed my mini and me with open arms. My husband had always been a part of their family, but my youngest daughter and I just fell into place and were truly covered by their love. We do holidays together, birthdays, etc. Nothing skips a beat. I finally feel like I am a part of that big family that I longed for as a little girl. I do not think I could ever explain to this amazing group of people how blessed I feel for my mini and me to be so loved and included in the family. They did not do it because they had to but because they wanted to. I am in love with how much my family has grown over the years. My family cup has always been filled with love but now it overflows in the best way possible.