Does your white privilege make you uncomfortable?
Does it make you squirm with shame and regret?
Does it make your face hot and your heart race when you think of the times you stayed silent?
Growing up, did your family tell you “racism is wrong” and not bother to explain what that even means?
Do you consider social media posts about race to be political?
Have you ever said “Kids don’t see color?”
Does your child go to a school where black kids make up ten percent of enrollment?
Have you ever had the audacity to say “You don’t sound black” … as if that’s a thing?
Have you ever said “token black guy?”
Do you get excited when you make a new black friend, like it’s their responsibility to teach you the ins and outs of oppression?
Do you shut it down when your family makes comments like “She works with a lot of blacks so they think she’s the hard worker?”
Have you had a run-in with a black woman who made assumptions about you and you thought “reverse racism?”
Do people ever change direction on the street when they see you walking towards them because you look “suspicious?” No, they don’t.
Do you have to teach your children to never, under any circumstances, argue or defend yourself to a police officer? No, you don’t.
Do you have to worry about what unspeakable things could happen if your husband were to leave the house without his wallet? No, you don’t.
I can call you out because I’ve been there. I’m mortified to admit I’m guilty of several things listed above. Did you realize it’s considered racist behavior? Well, now you know.
You want me to say, “It’s ok. We’ve all done it.”
It’s not ok. It’s never been ok. I’m not going to stroke yours or my own white fragility here.
Does your white privilege make you uncomfortable? Good.
Get over yourself. Get over your shame. The buck stops here.
The good news is there are a plethora of resources and ways to educate yourself, and make the change going forward.
Speak up.
Educate … your children and yourself.
Expose yourself and your family to diverse races, cultures, and backgrounds.
Let’s take these tragic events, this systemic injustice, and turn them into a catalyst for change.