Baby Signs, Our Love Language

baby sign languageBaby Sign Language can be so fun! We started showing our son a few simple baby signs when he was about 6-7 months old. He just stared blankly back at us for a while, but that’s ok. Language learning is such an incredible process, and you get to witness your little one experience a whole new world of communicating!

Around one year old, our son suddenly starting signing little words back to us! It just clicked one day as if his little brain thought: “Oh! I get this!”

We started with just a few words – milk, more, all done, eat, waving bye bye. The basics can get you very far with a cranky almost-toddler! Learning to communicate in their own tiny way helps with their frustration and with future language development.

One word at a time, our guy began sharing words back with us. He’s especially good at signing “more” during dessert time! It’s definitely his favorite word. Check out some hints on Baby Chic. You can also Google the ASL sign for any word you might commonly use. While speaking to your child in normal sentences, simply use a sign for an easy word they might want to say.

The older siblings really get a kick out of it too! We are all excited to hear our youngest learn to talk as he gets older, but for now we’ll enjoy his sweet baby signs. He is sure is confident when asking to eat. In fact, he’s started using it throughout our entire grocery store trips, which is pretty hysterical and usually leads to him getting a snack for the road!

Rachel Harris Ledet
A New Orleans native and entrepreneur, Rachel is a mom of four with an active schedule. Rachel maintains a daily balance of running her own marketing firm, 30|90 Marketing, managing her kids’ schedules, and maintaining extracurriculars including coaching dance, volunteering, and occasionally teaching courses. Rachel lives in Mandeville with her best friend and husband Lenny, daughters Addison and Amelia, stepson Luke, and son Tucker. With a family of six and a million balls in the air, Rachel keeps things light by continuously learning, spending time with amazing friends, blogging, finding any route to a concert or outdoor festival, and planning her next getaway with her husband. A sense of humor can get you through almost anything, so she tends to surround herself with fabulous and very funny people.


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