A Review Of Wicked The Movie :: Fly To See It Today

A Review Of Wicked The Movie :: Fly To See It Today

My son and I saw Wicked this weekend, and it owes us nothing. When a movie is overhyped, I worry it won’t live up to the expectations. Such was definitely not the case for Wicked.

Worth The Trip To The Theater

With movies quickly becoming available for at-home streaming, we’re selective about what we see in theaters. Between ticket prices and popcorn, a trip to the movies gets expensive. That said, Wicked is definitely worthy of the theater setting. The cinematography, color grading, and special effects are easily appreciated on the big screen. Plus, duh, the singing. You want to be immersed in the voices of Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo.

A Fantastic Adaptation

I’ve seen Wicked more than a handful of times. I read the novel in high school, saw the musical on Broadway, saw it on tour, and introduced my kids to Broadway with Wicked. My son and I had high expectations. It’s hard not to compare the movie cast to the original Broadway cast, but the Wicked movie proves that two things can both be amazing without taking away from one another. With a $145 million budget and the direction of Jon M. Chu, its only option was greatness. The film brings its own unique elements while also staying true to Broadway.

why you should go see Wicked at the movie theater

I’m not the most up to date on pop culture. I was entirely unfamiliar with Cynthia Erivo. I didn’t know what to expect from her as Elphaba. As a Queer Black woman, I think she identified with the role and she could draw on her own life experiences being different. I found out after the fact that Cynthia Erivo has earned a Tony, an Emmy, and a Grammy, which is unsurprising now that I’ve seen her in Wicked. As for Ariana Grande, even though I was familiar with some of her work, I wasn’t sure she could handle G(a)linda, but she was perfectly cast! From her extensive vocal range to her flirty hair toss to every silly heel kick, Ariana Grande nails the part. As outstanding as the two women are individually, when they come together, their chemistry is unmatched. They have distinctly different voices, but when they sing together in numbers like “Defying Gravity” you almost can’t hear a difference. Talent aside, it’s clear their friendship wasn’t just an act. Their genuine love and respect for one another really adds another layer to the plot.

Know Before You Go

No Singing. We went with a group of musical theater loving people. My son and some of his theater friends rented out the theater for a private viewing. Shockingly, everyone was so into the movie that we were all able to resist the temptation to sing. Fellow musical theater people, be advised that singing is prohibited. If you’re looking to co-star, you should probably wait until Christmas Day, when AMC theaters will show a singalong version.

This is only Part 1. My son and I didn’t realize until opening credits that this would not be the whole show. Somehow, despite heavy media coverage, I missed that detail. Besides fan favorite, “For Good,” in my opinion, all the best songs and scenes are in Part 1. I’m just wondering how good Part 2 could be and if it can stand on its own.

It’s long. I will admit there were a few parts that felt superfluous, but overall, Wicked earns its 2 hour 40 minute run time. It ends where the Broadway musical’s intermission would be. When you consider that the entire Broadway show is 2 hours 45 minutes, it does seem like they could have trimmed down the movie.

It’s family friendly. There’s nothing inappropriate about Wicked. Small children can see it, but consider their attention span. There are some characters or scenes that may be frightening and some parts that may not make sense to little minds. If your child can sit still for the duration, the rest is probably fine. There’s enough action and singing to keep little ones engaged.

There’s a major part that I’ve intentionally left out because it would be a huge spoiler. You’ll have to watch it to see what I’m talking about. You’ll be glad you did. Whether you’ve seen the musical or whether you’re completely new to Wicked, don’t miss the movie!

Alyson Haggerty
Alyson lives in Metairie with her husband, Patrick, their two boys, and their Morkie, Beignet. After teaching for almost ten years, she left a career in education, earned her BSN, and now works as a pediatric emergency nurse. In her free time, Alyson enjoys flipping furniture, writing, dancing, and painting. She is always looking for a racquetball partner and loves streetcar rides and playing board games with her family. A good cook, she is constantly on a quest to answer the age-old question, “What’s for dinner?” but has thus far been unsuccessful.



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