5 Inspirational Books About Love to Read this Summer!

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5 Inspirational Books About Love to Read this Summer!

Who doesn’t want to learn about love? These book recommendations are not romance novels or fantasy books about love. These books are characterized as non-fiction, Christian inspired, uplifting pieces of art that can transform your ideas on love. Whether you are in the beginning phases of a love journey, have experienced a faithful love for decades, or are in the middle of trying to navigate challenging relationships with your partner, child, family members, friends, co-workers, or anyone that falls under the spectrum of love, these books can be GAME-CHANGERS.

I have read these books during different phases of my life: good times, bad times, celebratory times, and grieving times, and can honestly say that the words in these books have inspired me, forced me to examine my own behaviors, gave me strength, awareness, and most importantly, changed me. If you are looking to feel rejuvenated, and you are open to self-reflection, these books can transform your thoughts, your actions, and ultimately, your relationships. I read a lot of books, fiction, and non-fiction, real and fantasy, but when I want to feel inspired, when I am struggling, when I want to feel closer to God, when I want to focus on bettering myself, (which is quite often), I reach for one of these.

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

If you have not heard of this book, where have you been? If you have read this book, it may be time to read it again. It is an excellent, interesting, informative book that I wish I had read 20 years ago. And believe it or not, your partner is not only interested in one thing … there’s more! This book backfired on me; I purchased this book, hoping to get lots of tips to tell my husband about, you know, things he needed to do better. Turns out, I am the one who needed the tips. Remember I mentioned self-reflection? An eye-opener for any phase of a relationship.

“Life’s deepest meaning is not found in accomplishments but in relationships.”

Love Her Well by Kari Kampakis

This book is for mothers of teenage girls. It is inevitable that moms will go through challenging stages with teenage girls; why is this? They are smaller versions of us, it’s the strangest phenomenon. This interactive book will help you navigate these tricky years by improving the dynamics of the relationship and help you find joy and connections with your teenage daughter. This book gives hope and encouragement to all moms wanting to “love her well.”

“As teenage girls grow up, the mother-daughter relationship must grow up too.”

Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk

This book will be therapy for your soul. This one digs a little deep and empowers you to realize that all relationships require hard work through connection, communication and boundaries. Love is a choice, and you have the power to choose the way you want to love your people and how you want to be loved. Do you want to keep your love on and pursue healthy relationships? Or do you want to get by with false expectations based on illusions Choosing to keep your love on can change your life; it certainly did mine.

“Quality love relationships do not happen by accident. Real love is built the old-fashioned way- through hard work.”

Love Does by Bob Goff

This book was recommended to the faculty at the beginning of a new school year by our Head of School. This book is lighthearted, fun, and gives you all the “feels.” Uplifting stories are told in a hilarious way demonstrating how to show love to people even in the most difficult circumstances. The author advocates for the power of putting love into action by taking risks and embracing adventure.

“That’s what love does – it pursues blindly, unflinchingly, and without end. When you go after something you love, you’ll do anything it takes to get it, even if it costs everything.”

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian

This book doesn’t have love in the title, but it does have the word wife and the word pray. And we all know you cannot have a marriage without love, nor can we pray without love. This book focuses on praying for your husband fervently, in all phases of life. This book enlightens you in ways that you didn’t realize you needed. The most effective tool in transforming your marriage, maybe in your own transformation, and this my friend, is life changing.

“Worrying about your marriage changes nothing…Praying about it can change everything.”

All of these books have 5 stars on Amazon! They are easy to read, easy to relate to, and very effective in making you feel happy and rejuvenated. Sometimes we all could use some encouragement, self-reflection, and nourishment for our souls! I hope you love them!


Bree Miller
My name is Brianna, but most people call me Bree! I am married to the love of my life, Michael, and we have two teenage daughters named Krista (18) and Marissa (14). I grew up in Metairie, spent my college years trying out the different Universities around New Orleans, and finally graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University in Elementary Education. I have been teaching kindergarten for nearly 15 years and recently moved to a new 4th grade position. We live in Madisonville and are thrilled to be home after living in Alabama for 10 years. Our family and strong roots brought us back home where we belong. I absolutely love being a mom to my teenage girls, while sometimes a little tricky, being their mom has been the greatest joy of my life. Our family enjoys going to the beach, “grillin and chillin”, going to country concerts, and raising the wildest little fur baby that you’ve ever heard of!


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