It never fails. My 5 and 8 year olds get loads of cash for their birthdays and then want to spend it on a Skill Crane machine, or on ANOTHER Matchbox car to go with the other 947 that...
Disclosure :: This is a sponsored post brought to you by BABYBJÖRN.
Ever Wished You Had 8 Arms?!
I am one of those people that insists on carrying everything all at once to avoid making a second trip. When my daughter,...
Back in May, I asked my son what he wanted for his birthday, and all he answered was a "McQueen Party." He didn't ask for any gifts. All my kid wanted was an excuse to play with his friends...
Sleep deprivation.
Let’s be real. If you’re a parent, you are definitely no stranger. We all know with a newborn the sleepless nights are like a rite of passage into parenthood. Everyone tells you those sleepless nights are temporary and will soon...
I love my life and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. My kids have completed me in a way I didn't think possible. I'm not saying I want to go back to my pre-kid life, but if...
Now that I have two children, I hear my share of intrusive comments. Most often from strangers. Since having my second child in April, I am hearing the same things as I did with my first, in addition to...
On a recent visit home, my mom was in the midst of a project to organize family photos. I helped her with some dating and had the usual "what was I thinking?" reaction (or rather what was my mom...
About six weeks ago, I was chatting over dinner with two of my very best friends about...can you guess? Of course, our kids. As we talked about our toddlers, I mentioned that I was not expecting for Jane to be so...
On our refrigerator, there are masterpieces from our budding artists, a family calendar, pictures and not one reward chart. Actually, we have gone through the past three and half years without creating or implementing one as our kids have...
Disclosure :: One of the many decisions that parents struggle with today is whether or not to give their child a cell phone, and if they do, what is the right age? Once they do give them a cell phone, what is...
They say pictures are worth a million words, right?
Well I still remember the first time I saw my son, and it was via a picture that my husband took with his iPhone. Even though there were a million...
On March 11, 2014, I placed my iPhone in a cup of water I left in my car, rendering it useless. That Tuesday seemed like a really crappy day; little did I know the world as I knew...
What do booking a flight, watching Sweet Home Alabama, checking Facebook and buying school uniforms have in common? Well, nothing, but somehow they are all reasons that I have cried in the past week! In theory, none of them...
My husband and I recently took a vacation without our son, Ben. My parents graciously agreed to watch him for a week so that Jeff and I could have some grown-up time. We spent four days in Los Angeles...