Puzzles :: My New Type of Therapy

Puzzles: Um, Not for Me!

First of all, let me start by saying I have absolutely always sucked at puzzles. Spatial/Visual thinking is not my strong suit. Well, Quarantine is making me think I don’t have a strong suit, but if I do, it is not anything with visualizing or mathematics. I’m not sure why I decided to give puzzles a try. Quarantine is getting all of us to explore entertainment out of the norm. Since I have started, I’ve noticed some pretty amazing things.

Time for Me!

In order for me to even start a puzzle, it means I am DEMANDING time for myself. I have to say “no” to my four-year-old when she asks to help. She is learning that Mommy’s puzzles are a little harder than hers (only 500 pieces, but still) and Mommy likes to do them alone. I have to be away from everyone, including my husband, since thinking about puzzles gives him anxiety. The last couple of months have been difficult, and my head has been spinning, but when I sit down to do a puzzle I have to focus. I have to concentrate on what I’m doing so there isn’t any space left to think of anything else. That may be because I’m not very good at puzzles, but I’ve heard that’s how it is for most everyone. Puzzles have quickly become a symbol of “me time” at my house. When I see the opportunity, I grab a White Claw and head to my back porch.

Want To Be Like Me?

Okay, so you want to be a puzzler (cool term right?) First step, get puzzles! I looked on Amazon and aside from wanting it NOW and it would take two weeks, puzzles can be pricey. So I went on Facebook and asked if any friends had puzzles they were done with and would like to share. In a matter of hours, I had several friends willing to loan or give me their puzzles. Next, figure out where you are most likely to put together said puzzle. When thinking of this spot, ponder if this is a spot I can safely leave an unfinished puzzle? I know I will never have enough time to complete a puzzle in one sitting. This question made me realize there is sincerely NOWHERE in my house I could leave a half-completed puzzle. So again to Amazon, I go. I bought a puzzle roll-up mat. It’s a felt mat that comes with an inflatable tube. You can roll your unfinished puzzle up and put it somewhere until you get more puzzle time!

Going to start doing a puzzle? It’s a great way to incorporate some down-time into our routines. What else do you do for down-time?

Becky Meany
Becky is a New Orleans girl who has recently moved to Covington with her husband, Chad, and three children ages 17, 12 and 4. Becky dedicates her time coaching Youth Run Nola and cheerleading. She enjoys marching in parades with her daughter, being outdoors with her son and attempting to keep up with her 4 going on 14 year old! She is a self-proclaimed nerd and enjoys all things Batman and Harry Potter. Becky’s passions are being a positive role model and mentor for children. When she does have kid free time her favorite things to do are playing Cards Against Humanity with friends at home or day drinking with her husband on Frenchman. During football season you’ll see her decked out in all things black and gold in section 613 of the Dome.


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