One Simple Question That Improved Communication in Our Family

Once I read an article where Kourtney Kardashian said as a child, during their family dinner they would
each tell the “Pit and Peak” of their day. This means they had to explain what was the highest part and what was the lowest part of their day. I am not necessarily a Kardashian follower per say … but I knew I liked the concept.

communicationI read the article when my son was four and decided to implement this in our house. Even if it wasn’t at dinner, I made a point to always ask him the pit and peak of his day. Quite personally, I prefer bed time. What a fabulous communication opener it was!

He was absolutely thrilled to talk about his day. Not that we ever had trouble with him talking (who does with a four year-old?) but I found he certainly talked about it more in depth. He seemed to elaborate more on his day than maybe he would have with a simple, “How was your day?” I could even see his little mind working hard to decide on importance of events; or his little mind scrambling to find someone bad out of a perfect four year-old day. After he answered, he would ask us the same question.

“What was the pit and peak of YOUR day?”

I saw him leaning in and concentrating to hear Mom and Dad’s answers. It truly helped open a door of
communication for all of us for many years. My son now is eight, and we still implement this. Now it includes four year-old sister. It has helped us talk about days that weren’t so great due to being put in time-out, or days at school with friends. We use it on trips to relive memories and even discuss Mom and Dad’s days that weren’t so kosher. I believe it has helped our children to see we all have good and bad days and to learn we can talk about them as a family. I have even found my husband and I use it privately to open communication between us and elaborate on situations we may have just “brushed over.”

I’m not here to agree or disagree on role models the Kardashians have set for my daughter, or
contemplate their parenting skills. I can; however, say if they’re still using this tool, they’re doing
something right. I certainly am grateful for stumbling across this quote as it is, without a doubt,
something our family will continue to use throughout our lives.

Do you use a “Pit or Peak” question with your children? Do you have another quote similar to this you use?

About Tracy LeBon

AK_AFRICABRIDGE_7557843792Tracy LeBon, originally from Ruston, LA, now lives in Houma, LA, with her husband and two children. After moving several times across several states, she and her husband vowed if they ever moved back to Louisiana, it had to be South Louisiana. They are now happy to call Houma home and are grateful and excited to be so close to their “Soul City.” Tracy graduated from Louisiana Tech University with a degree in Computer Information Systems. She now spends her time as a stay-at-home mom with two children, Barrett (8), and Juliet (4). Her husband serves as the Administrator of The Oaks of Houma. Tracy volunteers for numerous events and festivals in Houma, is a member of the Krewe of Cleopatra of Houma, and a member of The Bearded Oysters of New Orleans. Needless to say she loves all things New Orleans, especially Mardi Gras!


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