Hail Nyx :: Confessions of a Glitter Addict

‘Tis The Season

It’s that time! For some of us, this holiday season trumps all others, we count down until it is officially time to have king cake as a food group, play Mardi Gras music, wear majorette boots as part of our daily outfit, sequins, glitter and all the things Mardi Gras season offers. Long before King’s Day hits, Mardi Gras prep has been happening inside my Glitter Cottage. Yes, I have a Glitter Cottage, it’s like a She Shed, but with a lot more glitter and inside my Glitter Cottage is where the magic happens.

Love at First Sight

Y’all I love Mardi Gras! Yes, okay I am still fairly new to it, but I know life long New Orleans residents who share my feelings, so I know that just like this city, it just lives in you. Our first parade in New Orleans was Krewe of Jingle and we loved it. It was just an appetizer to the feast of Mardi Gras. When we went to our first night parade of Mardi Gras, Krewe of Nyx, I was in love! The bands, the floats, the costumes and headpieces, the throws, it was like magic. My kids and I left with purses, full throw bags, and smiles on our faces. I came home and logged into the Krewe of Nyx website and filled out a Lady In Waiting application. I wanted to be a part of that magic.

Glittering Is My Therapy

For some Nyx sisters, the purse creating is a task, a stress, but for me, it is my therapy. I head to the Glitter Cottage, turn on a true-crime podcast, and lose myself for hours in the creation of my purses. As soon as one Mardi Gras season is over, I start a list of ideas for next season’s purses. Sometimes a purse inspires the idea, or sometimes an event (hello NOLA no call) does. I have made a purse for Ashley Longshore and the ladies of My Favorite Murder. I love the feeling of watching my ideas become reality. When I emerge from a glitter session, I am usually covered in Mod Podge and glitter. My dogs have glitter in their fur, there is glitter on my sofa and my floors, it is everywhere.

Throw Me Somethin’ Sister

Aside from the joy of a purse that came out just like I imagined or even better than I had imagined is the happiness of catching a purse brings to people. There is something so magical about making eye contact with someone in a crowd of thousands, and handing them a coveted Nyx purse. Then watching the smile appear on their face, the ‘thank you’ they yell, and if they post on Instagram with the #nyxpursetracker hashtag seeing their purse proudly displayed. I have caught Muses shoes, Cleo cups, Iris sunglasses, King Arthur grails, Tucks toilet scrubbers and each time is just as special as the first. I display all the custom throws I catch because I know that someone put time and love into creating it.

I’ll See You on the Route

Make a sign, yell loud, wave, smile whatever it takes and catch ya something, but please remember that someone somewhere put time and love into creating that throw just for you. Treasure it, display it, let it inspire you to be a part of a Krewe. And if you catch a custom throw, Instagram it. Most Krewes have a hashtag or tag the Krewe, we love seeing our throws in their new homes. #nikkiridesnyx

Nikki was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, she has lived in Seattle and Portland. After visiting New Orleans, she fell in love with the city, and she and her husband decided to take a chance and move from the PNW to NOLA. Nikki has two kids, Amaya (16) and Tyson (13), she and her husband Dave have been married for 16 years, they live on the Northshore. Nikki works full time as a NICU nurse. Nikki and her family have fully embraced the culture of New Orleans, while they live on the Northshore, they play in New Orleans as often as they can. As a member of New Orleans Mom, she hopes to bring the perspective of the veteran mom and life with big kids and teenagers.



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