Carpool lines, T-ball practice, dishes and the regular ins and outs of everyday life can sometimes get in the way of things that were once so very important before the thoughts of marriage and children were the main focus of my life. One of those things is friendship. As a mom, I feel like I’m running against the clock daily between changing diapers, making lunches and folding a huge tower of never ending clothes.
Trying to make a phone call is just laughable at times. My 5 year old is usually yelling about something while my 1 year old is usually crying. I have to resort to scheduling phone dates with one of my oldest friends who now lives in DC so we can catch up on our lives. Thank goodness for text and email because it makes communicating between friends so much easier, but there is nothing quite like getting together with your gal pals.
A Girls Night Out
A couple of friends and I have planned overnight girls only getaways for the past 2 summers. This past summer we chose to stay in town and play tourist in our great city. We booked a hotel in the French Quarter and decided on a restaurant where we hadn’t dined before. We were ready to take on the weekend without our strollers and diaper bags. Oh, and did I mention being able to sleep in?
The girls and I spent the day walking around the French Quarter enjoying some awesome cocktails and taking in all the sights. We wore nice clothes that didn’t have spit up stains on them (which is a rarity as of late) and tried to talk about things other than our children. We laughed over old high school memories and gossiped about the latest news from our Facebook and Twitter feeds. We enjoyed a delicious dinner and slept in late on Sunday. It was such a relaxing time and was great catching up with friends.
After these getaways I realize how important friendships are and that no matter how busy I get it’s easy to shoot a text or email asking my girls how things are going.