Disclosure :: This post was sponsored by Robért Fresh Market.
Robért Fresh Market to the Rescue!

Last week my family came down with the dreaded stomach bug that was going around my son’s school. For six days we were trapped inside our house while we recovered one by one. We subsisted off of Pedialyte, Powerade Zero, and crackers (And, because life is super fair, my husband emerged from the tummy bug 9 lbs lighter and looking like he just got back from a health retreat while I only lost a handful of pounds and looked like a pale laundry servant who perfumed herself with Lysol, but I digress.). When my children’s doctor said it was safe for them to return to school, I was left with a mile long to-do list. I had to answer emails, wash laundry, disinfect our home, and, of course, shop for groceries (which, honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to doing since I was currently sporting the aforementioned raggedy mama look). So when Robért Fresh Market reached out to the New Orleans Moms Blog asking if one of our writers would like to try out their new online shopping, pickup, and delivery platform, I leapt at the opportunity!
My Experience
The online shopping, pickup, and delivery service is currently offered at Robért’s Lakefront store, but I was pleased to see that they deliver to most of the Greater New Orleans area. The website is very user-friendly and I liked that I was able to double-check my cart before checking out. It was so much easier to make sure I didn’t forget anything. I hate getting home from the store and realizing I forgot a major dinner ingredient.
On Monday, I placed my order at 1:23 pm and selected the 4:00 – 5:00 pm delivery window. By 3:55 pm Andrew was knocking on my Metairie door with the order. In the amount of time I would have spent driving to the store, shopping, and unloading groceries, I was able to clear my work email inbox, disinfect all the toys and surfaces, and do loads of laundry.
Reasons I Would Recommend This Service To My Friend
Freshness: I’m the kind of shopper who looks at all the expiration dates when shopping to find the latest one. I’ve ordered from grocery delivery services before and have often received bread with a two-day shelf life or strawberries that were shriveled. All the produce I received from Robért Fresh Market was in great shape and every product had a generous expiration date.
Variety: I found there was a good variety of meat, produce, organic, and frozen items. Almost everything I searched for was available. Robért also offers popular items like their homemade chicken salad, specialty bakery items, and prepared meals. Plus, you can shop alcohol – nine pages worth of alcohol options at that!
Saving is Easy: I’m not the greatest bargain shopper. I never know what is on sale at the grocery store unless there is a huge sign by it. My favorite feature Robért offers is the ability to shop directly from their weekly sales ad, which can be accessed on the home page or on the “shop” page. You can also filter your search results by “sales” items. There is a $5.99 fee associated with curbside pickup orders (However, the pickup fee is waived for your first three orders.) and a $15-20 fee for delivery, but your ability to shop the sales with such ease helps offset those fees. I also think (Cover your ears, Robért!) that I actually spent a lot less than I normally would have at the grocery store because I was able to see my total tallying as I shopped.
Supporting Local Business: As a small business owner myself, I try to shop locally as much as possible. I like supporting a local grocery store over a large chain offering the same service. And, bonus, Robért makes a lot of favorite local businesses like Jambalaya Girl, Urban South, and Haydel’s available for online orders.
The opportunity to review Robért’s online shopping, pickup, and delivery program could not have come at a better time for me. It definitely made my Monday feel a lot less like a Monday!
Check out how easy it is to order groceries by clicking HERE. Sign up now and the pick up fee will be waived on your first 3 curbside pickup orders. NOMB readers can also receive free delivery on their first home delivery order by using the code “NOMBFD” at checkout. Offer valid until October 12, 2018
I love, love, love this!! Roberts is a family favorite and I’m glad y’all feel better!