I have heard of families getting Boo’d before (thanks social media), but I had never really thought much about it. After all, I am the mom who hates the trinkets. However, when a family Boo’d us, it was so much fun! Once you get Boo’d, you are supposed to pass it on by picking another family to Boo.
It is an opportunity for your kids to think of others.
We are lucky to have a lot of nice families that we are friends with. We sat down and made a list of all the families in close enough vicinity to Boo. The family we chose has a child in each of my kids’ classes at school. My boys were so excited to go to Target and pick out treats for their friends. It was sweet to see their excitement while finding things that their friends would have fun with.

It is a simple act of kindness.
My kids were so overjoyed to find a random bucket of treats on our porch. It was such a simple gesture, but it really brightened their day. Everyone enjoys a surprise. A bucket full of surprises hand picked for you is even more special. The idea is that the Booing keeps getting passed on from family to family. A little random joy at your doorstep.

It is FUN
It is fun for the family doing the Boo and fun for the receiving family. Our family loves a tradition. My kids are quick to remember the things we do every year for different holidays. We love Halloween, so we will happily make this a new tradition for us. We got Boo’d the first day of Fall and it really put us into the spirit.
Not only is Boo-ing fun, but it is easy to accomplish. Pick a family. Go to Target, Walmart, Dollar Tree, or Five Below and pick out a bag or bucket. Fill it with a mixture of trinkets (small decorations, candy, crafts, stickers, etc). Write a note to the family telling them that they have been Boo’d and sign it. Sneakily drop it off by their front door and drive off! Then you wait for an excited phone call or text.
Booing was such a wonderful experience for our family. Hopefully our chain continues. Go out and start one this Halloween!