I have been relatively the same size from high school until about a year ago. Eating somewhat healthy and exercising regularly have been a lifestyle for me. Like most people, I would fluctuate when I indulged too much. However, as soon as I “buckled down” it would come right off. Then BAM as soon as I hit my mid-30s my metabolism slowed down and my former method stopped working.
The extra pounds did not just pack on overnight. I am well aware of how I put on my extra padding. I had a lot of fun cocktailing and eating out. I took treating myself to a whole new level. Instead of making healthy choices when eating in restaurants, I treated myself like it was my last supper on death row. Which is perfectly acceptable if it was occasionally. However, I have weekly lunch dates with my mom, my husband has started taking our family out to dinner once a week, and I’m lucky to have a bunch of fabulous friends that I meet up with for breakfasts and lunches.
After both of my pregnancies, my usual formula of 80/20 (80% healthy eating and 20% indulging) and exercising 2 times a week worked like a charm. I have always lost weight at a healthy pace of 1-2lbs per week and building muscle during the process. Usually, within 4 weeks of doing this formula, I could feel and see a difference in my clothes. Well, it’s not working anymore. 80/20 (maybe it was more 60/40) and 5 days of exercise are not making much of a dent.
My brother just got married, and the dress I wanted to wear from my closet did not fit. I tried and my usual routine just did not have the same impact. A dress that fit me beautifully 18 months ago was tight and uncomfortable. I applaud the body positivity movement. One of my best friends is very active on social media spreading positive vibes on loving yourself. To be honest, I do love myself. My body is strong and healthy. I ordered another dress that I love and had a ball at the wedding. But y’all, I really love my clothes too. I really would like my favorite Saints skirt to fit me this season. While I am by no means a clothes hoarder, I play favorites with my clothes and I will keep wearing certain pieces for years. I want to feel comfortable in my favorite faux leather leggings, and not feel like they are cutting into when Fall finally comes.
My mom has shared tidbits with me for years about how different things change as women get older. Aging is a blessing, as is the active social life that contributed to my predicament. However, it is still a struggle. I am back at square one of trying to figure out my new routine, and how to snap back into my favorite clothes.