Happy World Kindness Day

world kindness day

“Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.” -Raktivist

On this World Kindness Day (weekend), plan out a few special activities to share kindness with your world! This can include fun, kid-friendly activities to brighten someone’s day.

acts of kindness

  • Make art or custom cards for a sick or healing family member or friend
  • Bake cookies or muffins for a grandparent or neighbor
  • Write notes with an encouraging message for each student in your kid’s class
  • Send a card to someone who lives far away
  • Ask your kids to write ten things they love about (your family/each other) on a slip of paper and place it in a jar to open on Thanksgiving Day
  • Watch a movie about kindness: Trolls, Up, or Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch
  • Do a favor for someone, help around the house, or help a friend in need
  • Volunteer at or support a nonprofit event in your area
  • Write a thank you note to your favorite teacher(s)
  • Paint inspirational rocks for your garden, to give away, or to leave in a community setting

Share kindness with those around you in whatever way you can. A little bit of sunshine goes a long way!

Rachel Harris Ledet
A New Orleans native and entrepreneur, Rachel is a mom of four with an active schedule. Rachel maintains a daily balance of running her own marketing firm, 30|90 Marketing, managing her kids’ schedules, and maintaining extracurriculars including coaching dance, volunteering, and occasionally teaching courses. Rachel lives in Mandeville with her best friend and husband Lenny, daughters Addison and Amelia, stepson Luke, and son Tucker. With a family of six and a million balls in the air, Rachel keeps things light by continuously learning, spending time with amazing friends, blogging, finding any route to a concert or outdoor festival, and planning her next getaway with her husband. A sense of humor can get you through almost anything, so she tends to surround herself with fabulous and very funny people.


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