Disclosure :: Costco sponsored this post. Insert happy dance from us because it’s genuinely one of our homes away from home.
It’s No Secret :: We Adore Costco
As moms, we like to spend as little time as possible running errands during our “free time.” Those few short hours when everyone is in school each day whiz by and before we know it, we’re schlepping kids to soccer practice and football games, dance recitals and piano lessons. Then it’s homework, dinner, bath and bed and before we know it … we’re waking up ready to do it all.over.again. And again.
Why Costco is Mom Heaven
One way we’ve found to be extremely effective in cutting down our time spent running around from store to store is by shopping in bulk at Costco. While you may think to yourself that you have zero need for 16 pounds of mayo (or maybe you do), there are SO many other products that you can buy in bulk that will save you loads of time and money over the course of the month. We don’t know about y’all, but we rarely walk into our favorite retail store and leave with only the items on our list. Self-control? What’s that? We are always drawn to those end-caps where we almost always find treasures we never knew we needed.
10 Products We Always Buy at Costco
- Diapers and Wipes :: The Kirkland brand diapers are awesome, y’all. They are soft, won’t rub your baby’s bottom raw and they’re super affordable. The wipes are more moist (we hate that word, but it’s the truth) than other brands we’ve tried, and they tend to stay fresh for longer than other packaged wipes. It’s the little things when you’re wiping hineys
all day.
- Organic Produce :: Costco offers a wide variety of organic fruits and vegetables in portion sizes that will feed your entire family at a price you can actually afford. We literally can’t live without their bulk fruit since we’re both raising 3 little ones. Give us all the raspberries, grapes and bananas! We have also found that the fruit and vegetables stay good for a solid week (sometimes longer), so the quality is really top notch.
- Organic Meat :: You can buy bulk organic ground beef and a variety of chicken for prices you can afford to pay. We find their price per pound for organic meat to be competitive with conventional meat at smaller grocery stores, if not more affordable. Purchasing meat in bulk can require more freezer space, but the upside is that you almost always have a healthy meat on hand for a quick dinner.
- Kerrygold Butter :: Yes, we know that it seems bizarre to list a specific brand of butter, but we LOVE it. This is one splurge that we will not compromise on when it comes to cooking. Kerrygold can be super expensive when not purchased in bulk, but the Costco price is genuinely fair.
- Alcohol :: This is New Orleans. Costco has a wide variety of wines, liquor and even beer available at prices you can’t beat anywhere else. Let’s face it, New Orleans, we like to entertain and be entertained. One of our husbands swears by the Kirkland Vodka, and we’ve proudly taste tested just about all of the wine. You can’t beat the prices, and they almost always have whatever you need in stock, including some higher end bottles for special occasions and gifts.
- Paper Products and Cleaning Supplies :: We loathe running out late at night because we are out of paper plates, napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, or whatever else. At Costco, we buy it all once and we’re done for the month! Often times we will also see pretty steep
discounts ($3 – $4 off), which is the time to buy. Again, this may require you to clean some closets, but the effort is worth it and ultimately saves time.
- Gas :: Costco is one stop shopping. Run in for your groceries, swing through the gas line on the way out (at the best price in the city) and boom. You’re done for a bit. The gas prices alone justify memberships for our households.
- Snack Food :: Whether your family likes to snack on Pirate’s Booty or Boom Chicka Pop, Costco offers HUGE bags for less than you’d pay for a single portion at a retail store. Our kids waste more than they eat despite our best efforts, so this is a huge bonus for us. We also love the Kirkland brand apple sauce pouches, and this is the perfect place / time to buy bulk snacks for birthday parties or class gatherings.
- Medicine :: Come allergy season, our familes basically drinks antihistamines (not really) but buying it at retail cost or at a corner pharmacy will bankrupt you. Stocking up on the basics for your house will have you running out the door to a 24-hour pharmacy far less frequently. The prices for Desitin, as one example, are really good, and many of these items often go on sale, too.
- Odds and Ends :: The center of the store is dedicated to an ever-changing stock of seasonal items. Sometimes you can score some amazingly built furniture for far less than any furniture store, and come the holidays, they’ll have everything from ornaments, to costumes, to trees and beyond! The center of the store is one of our favorite areas to peruse. It’s just fun!
At the end of the day, Costco is clean, they have DOUBLE carts, they carry many things our families need on the regular, and the employees are some of the friendliest in the city. We are huge fans of Costco and are so glad to have them in New Orleans.
See What the Costco Fuss is All About With #CostcoMomHour
But don’t just take our word for it! Come see for yourself!
Who :: all New Orleans area moms {and their kids}
When :: Friday, November 13 | 9:00 – 10:00am
Where :: Costco New Orleans {3900 Dublin Street}
Special extras :: at the event, you can expect light refreshments and coffee, as well as samples galore throughout the store … the first 100 moms in line will also receive a swag bag full of Kirkland goodies … and during the event there will be some fun giveaways to win as well! There will also be friendly staff members on hand for guided tours and questions.
Why :: in partnership with City Moms Blog Network, dozens of Cotsco stores are opening up an hour early JUST for moms. This is your chance to shop for an hour without the masses OR – if you are not yet a member – come see what the Costco fuss is all about. Note :: you do need to be a member in order to make a purchase, but you can browse for free either way!
Cost :: FREE
RSVP :: join the Facebook group for updated information and register HERE or below {you MUST register in advance}
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