
Perspectives in Parenting

Perspectives in parenting, mom with special needs child coloring

Sometimes you just need to hear the ideas, thoughts, and opinions of other parents. Our Perspectives in Parenting section is focused on providing a place for you to find out what other moms are thinking and how they are handling the issues that go along with the hard job of being a parent.

There are a lot of different perspectives in parenting and New Orleans Mom is a place where these different ideas can be shared. We strive to provide not just valuable information to mothers across the Crescent City, but also ideas about how to think about the issues in their lives.

In our Perspectives in Parenting section, you’ll find lots of stories about the everyday events, problems, annoyances, and issues that we all face as moms. We talk about the household and the challenges of keeping everyone in the family working together.  We offer tips on how to recognize and reflect on the good things in our lives. We also tackle difficult topics about our society and culture

Some of our perspectives in parenting stories offer key advice on wellness. We take you through some of the challenging parts of motherhood, like how and when to use a breast pump, while also offering an amusing look at alternative uses of breastmilk

Our writers talk about important things that Moms in the Big Easy need to know, such as how to teach financial responsibility to your children or how to survive the stresses of the holiday season. 

With more than 30 contributors to New Orleans Mom, we offer our readers unique Big Easy perspectives in parenting that they won’t find anywhere else. 

We have guns at our house. In fact, we have a few, all different types. We have shotguns, rifles and handguns. I hope you won’t keep your kid from coming over to play. We have guns, but we store them in...
I shared my weight loss journey before. And for the most part, I have embarked on a healthier life since writing that post. I now follow a *mostly* paleo diet and exercise 4-5 days per week. But I have not reached...
Confession time: I am awful at food shopping. I want to be that mom who can stay away from the grocery store and survive on once a week trips. But that is not the case. I don't know if...
Disclosure :: There are many questions about birth, including "what does pushing feel like?" Our friends at Nola Nesting have sponsored this post and we love that it features several different birth perspectives. Birth In New Orleans - What Does...
I recently saw a post on Facebook that asked: “What advice would you give your younger self using only two words?” It was such a thought provoking question that I shocked myself when I immediately spouted out my answer without much...
A few months back the internet was ablaze after a mom wrote a letter to her daughter about why she chooses to stay at home. I had so many questions for the author after reading it (primarily why she...
My foray into fatherhood was different. Our first child, Kohl, was born with global brain damage due to a lack of blood and oxygen to the brain during labor and delivery. Our second child, Amelia, was born about two-and-a-half...
Growing up, we didn’t go out to dinner very often, mostly because we couldn’t afford it. The times we went out were usually special occasions, and we were expected to behave and engage at dinner with the celebrated party....
Some moms strive to be the best. That’s great and huzzah to them. I strive to be mediocre and just ok. Why? Because when I go above that goal, everyone is surprised, even myself. But my mediocrity knows no bounds. Here are a...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Touro Infirmary.  Moms are survivors when it comes to our families. We find ways to get things done - even when there isn't another ounce of time or energy to spare. We can...
Our oldest son experienced his first ear infection at three months old while we were evacuated for Hurricane Katrina. At one point during our journey, we were with an aunt of mine who proclaimed, “He just needs some of...
Here are my credentials: 4.5 years of breastfeeding experience with two different children La Leche League certified leader with 2.5 years of experience leading an LLL group, keeping up with the latest research, and attending educational conferences on breastfeeding But...
Lately, I have been feeling that parenthood, especially with toddlers, is much like a game of chess :: trying to outwit your opponent, analyzing their strategy, and predicting their next move. One day I wake up thinking I have...
Have you ever heard that expression “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?” Well, I have a little apple, and he certainly did NOT fall far at all. If you asked my parents, they would probably tell you that...